You MUST answer!!

by Gill 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    There were two distinctive groups of young in my KH. They were the if'ees and the definitely not's like myself. The if'ees would never reveal their true feeling's about the Jdubs or speak badly about it and the people in it. (Turned out they were definitly not's.) We definitely not's had a name for people who always had their hand up and answered most often. We called them, Mr or Mrs super righteous. Sorry Crumpet, you would have been Miss super righteous.

  • DJK

    I forgot this, when my father was an elder doing the Watchtower meeting, if no one raised their hand, he answered the question and moved on. He also made it a point on the Thursday night meeting to talk about answering questions during the Watchtower. I think it was a back up on some question's, he had answers underlined for me. Not all sections, but most.

  • reneeisorym

    This is making me want to study the Revelation book study and compare it with my concordenance beforehand to make interesting comments .....

    Edited to add: Not that I've even stepped foot in a KH in over a year, but this could be fun ...

  • undercover

    I don't remember anything in writing but is seemed to be the standard practice.

    But I do remember a funny instance when a brother was having a particular hard time getting people to raise their hands to answer. Twice elders raised their hands to bail him out, but later on another question, no one raised their hands, including the elders. The brother asked again, waited, no one volunteered. So he called on an elder on the last row. The elder apparently didn't feel like answering. When handed the roving mike, he just said, "I didn't raise my hand". The conductor asked him to give his thoughts anyway. The brother responded, "I have no thoughts on the subject". Finally another elder raised his hand to get the conductor out of the jam.

  • juni

    I don't remember any "directive" like that. This is what happened at my cong.:

    If no one raised their hand, the conductor would say, "this is part of our worship to Jehovah brothers and sisters. We should all want to be a part. Blah, blah, blah." Then he would wait for some guilt ridden person to answer. If the problem continued he would assign people to answer certain questions. Then when the CO came he verbally "smacked" all of our hands. God I'm glad i'm out of that prison camp.

    Isn't it just crazy? I wonder what would have happened if he would've said, " I agree brothers and sisters. These meetings suck; let's plan a party!" Next time we meet let it be at such and such park and bring a dish to pass. We will all have fun together!


  • crazyblondeb

    The elder's used to do that in our congregation, too. But they were always on a power trip!! They would call on someone, if they didn't think they were paying attention!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Gill,

    I used to get a bit of a rush* when I could give a Bethel-related comment - no one else would have known this anecdotal information. When, for example, I commented that Brother Knorr announced at the 1972 Gilead graduation that the elder arrangement would have a trial run for six months 'to see if it works.' I concluded by saying that it got off to a rocky start. Snorts from some in the audience.
    *Now I am repenting for the sin of pride! LOL!


  • avidbiblereader

    No I don't remember that and never remember not seeing one of the flock who wasnt ready to give their own opinion


  • Gill

    Thanks for all your replys!

    What I found interesting about them is that a lot of you had heard of this practice and some heard of the direction for the practice but NOWHERE was this put in writing.

    The bOrg avoids putting a lot of its BS in writing and does a lot of its own rumour mongering!

    A lot is practiced that cannot be traced back to the Mother ship and yet it happens in most places, such as the picking on elders to answer.

    Very interesting..... The Power of Suggestion is a Mind control Trick!

  • Crumpet
    Sorry Crumpet, you would have been Miss super righteous.

    DJK - yes you might have thought I was Miss Super Righteous if I wasnt under reproof constantly! LOL!

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