You MUST answer!!

by Gill 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Oh crumpet! It must have been absolute torture for you to be born into a JW family!

    Free spirits are not meant to be trapped in mind control cults.

    I remember being a child and being absolutely certain that the people I lived with (my parents) were not really my parents but 'someone' had made a dreadful mistake 'placing' me with this pair of immature idiots!

    I expect you probably felt the same.....more or less!

    You remind me of a sibling of mine who was far to 'clever' for my parents and for the bOrg. He used to get a regular kicking from my parents for being such a smart Alec. Thing is.....he was always right and they were too dumb to recognise it!

    A sad existence being a JW child!

    Sometimes, we have to 'chew a foot off' to escape their grasp! There's always a scrap of ourselves still rotting in lala land!

  • loosie

    I don't rememebr it being a directive. But I do remember it being an unspoken rule if no one answers he will pick someone. We ahd one nice elder who if no one raised their hand after so much time had apssed his wife would raise her hand to answer. so she saved our butts.

  • Undecided

    I was the WT. study conductor for years and can't remember any problems with no hands raised. I was a BS conductor also at the same time and can't remember any problems with answers. Of course I can't remember much of anything from those days.

    Ken P.

  • bronzefist

    Don't remember an actual directive when I was an MS, but if no one raised their hands......elders or the conductor's wife....the reader was expected to answer. It was considered to be part of the "privledge" of being a "well-prepared" reader.


  • geevee

    I like Undecided's comment: I was a BS conductor.
    Me too!!! Bull S...... conductor.
    Miss Crumpet wouldv'e loved my BS's. I finished 30-40 minutes every week. No point getting frustrated at people who didnt perpare or who didnt know what day it was. Get on and get it finished.....and people loved it.

  • diamondblue1974

    This is a blast from the past actually - I do remember something similar to this.

    I look back now and it seems to be quite a poignant moment when on one occasion nobody put their hands up to answer, and, the elder on the platform almost spits... 'come on... the answers in the paragraph'. LOL

    Oh those were the days!


  • juni

    For years the PO took 1 1/2 hours to do the WT study ad nauseam. I am not kidding. It was TORTURE. Not one of the other elders would cross this man. He was Moses/Abraham, etc. etc. reincarnate to a lot.

    Finally, a CO kicked his ass and told him he could not do that. For awhile he would him and haw and try "his best" quote /unquote to finish on time. He was a proud bastard. Didn't like to be told. Made it the Co's fault if the material wasn't covered. lol

    It actually was funny. A lot would watch the clock and figure - the amount of paragraphs to finish and the time left. This bro would start out r e a l slow and then hammer it at the end. God it was funny!


  • Crumpet

    I remember being a child and being absolutely certain that the people I lived with (my parents) were not really my parents but 'someone' had made a dreadful mistake 'placing' me with this pair of immature idiots!

    I expect you probably felt the same.....more or less!

    LOL Gill - I think you are way cleverer than me! I just thought I was no good and felt that my parents wished they could have a nice little girl who didnt kick the chairs because she was bored, or spill things down her meeting dresses or always to be found in the thick of any trouble, usually as the instigator.

  • JH
    that if no one raised their hands during the Wacktower study to answer, the conductor of the study was a liberty to ask any of the elders present to answer!

    A stupid elder called Hermann did that in our book study. He pointed someone and said, you read this and that. He didn't even ask who would want to read so and so verse. He just went straight out and decided who would read what.

    I felt uncomfortable with his way of doing business.

    If this would have happened at the Kingdom hall, I would have stopped going right away.

  • blondie

    In one congregation, the book study conductor told the MS assistant that his job was to raise his hand when no one else did........some added their wives to that informal directive.


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