No, but I heard the talk 16 times too many.
It goes like this:
Eva bad, make Adam eat apple, banished - condemned humanity to sin.
Boo hoo.
God - full of ego and warped ideas decides he can only forgive Eve and everyone else who inherited the sin if he sends his boy down for a spot of torture.
Baby Jesus - grows into Hot Jesus ( see interior of Memorial invite) and gets a big gay following - chooses 12 specials and a coupe of whores for his personal entourage.
Jesus becomes big pop star. Engravings of his likeness on every teen jews walls.
Takes his posse out for a mega piss up and then says to the entourage: "look share this wine and bread you guys. Dont let any of the droves of fans outside get their hands on it. they are just proles"
Judas tries to cop off with Jesus when he's taking a leak in the Park of Gethsemane and gets caught for cottaging.
Judas says it was all Jesus. Peter says he doesnt know either of the fags.
Jesus has a quiet word with Pontius and says he's due to die in God's diary anyway so let Barbarus go and he'll take the pain.
Jesus gets tortured a bit.
Fans very upset.
Jesus dies. God does happy dance.
Entourage/disciples decide that they will get together and see if they cant get some left over glory for themselves and make a special bread and wine combo fest inviting fans to watch once a year but not to have any.
fans get annoyed and set up own club called Club Catholic and have a mass festival every day if the y feel like it.
Message: Dont go to club catholic - stay in club dub and you will get to live forever - honest yes - dont check it out on the internet though whatever you do.