It's been a long time since I left the Borg and JW matters are rarely discussed with my JW relatives. I am however, interested in the subject of pioneers.
A few years back I half expected my nephew to do some pioneering, but he opted to get married at 19 to a fellow Dub and it wasn't long before they had 3 little girls to support. My nephew, without the WTS to ruin his aspirations would easily have got to a good University after excellent A levels, but after a spell doing the inevitable window cleaning he landed a pretty good job. He's now an elder. Married when young it gave him the chance to get out of pioneering. I also wonder, if by "producing" three new Witnesses, he's done the Borg a bigger favour than if he'd been out converting through pioneer work?
Finally getting to my real questions, what kind of pressure is there on free agent Dubs to go pioneering? There was only one pioneer at my old Congo and at the time I thought he was a real hero. Are pioneers seen in a more favourable light by the powers to be, eg elders, CO etc. Are they under more pressure to get converts in, and if they're not doing such a good job, do they start getting questioned over their methods in field service? Please share any stories about pioneering. It's a real grey area for me and I know there's quite a few ex pioneers on this Board now.