I don't get to watch this series on it's scheduled night, but I do keep up by watching it on the Internet. This year a lot has been revealed, but like always, a lot has not. Basically it seems the island has some special powers, a box that gives you what ever you want, and people see this Ben guy as a leader. I wonder if he came from the box, as he said he was born there. Anyway, it appears that the island is impossible to find without a beacon that was fried at the end of last season when Locke let the countdown finish. It seems that the man who was in the bunker, sees all this as something that already happened and even traveled back in time and is trying to prevent the death of the band guy. So it all seems to be coming together, right? Well what about a few missing pieces.
1. Why do the others take the children, and what is up with the signal fire they light before coming?
2. What is up with the black smoke, that killed the black guy. That has never been explained, only the final words of "Your next?"
3. How did the "others" move so quickly from their town to where the plane pieces crashed, when it took the actual survivors days to cover that distance?
4. What was up with that map Locke saw on the door to the bunker, that could only be seen with the black light.
5. Where are the other passengers that were taken, did they get put on the sub and sent home. Jack saw them on the other island, but it was almost a dream sequence and you could not tell if it was real or not.
6. What was up with the guys at the listening post in the arctic at the end of last season who called the bunkers guy girlfriend?
So, any thoughts?