The series "Lost"

by free2beme 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Welp, I have been much more satisfied with the last three episodes. I am actually getting more excited now.

    So, Ben is supposed to show Locke what it's all about then next ep? In the preview for nest week's ep, I saw a flash of Roger, the workman they foudn dead in the VW van. Also a flash of some girl in a dress in the jungle. Also a flash of Mr. Dharma Initiative himself in a film showing the Other's town, pre "all hell breaking loose".

    The Real Sawyer, that James "Sawyer" strangled last night seemed to believe they were in hell. The writers have again and again insisted that the islanders are not in hell, or purgatory, etc. But, how did the Real Sawyer (RS) get there? Ben kept saying Locke brought him. But RS claims he was kidnapped while on his way to the hospital after a car wreck.

    Perhaps the metaphor of the "magic box" just means they have the power to get whatever they want on the island? Maybe that is just part of it?

    Thoughts on last night's ep?

  • Sunspot


    Now that "stuff" is finally coming together----its time for the season to end----and we have to wait until whenever to get back in the swing of things again!!! I admit I felt the same---it was exciting---more so than in previous weeks. (I still worry about what became of poor little Walter after all this time!) Maybe it's just ME being old---but I think there are too many story lines to follow (and keep track of). I have not missed ONE episode, but sometimes they show somebody I don't recall ever BEING on the show at ALL! (And WHAT is with Jack---being so trusting of and taken in by Juliet?)

  • daystar
    (And WHAT is with Jack---being so trusting of and taken in by Juliet?)

    He knows something we don't know. It makes him closer to Juliette than the rest. Remember when Kate told Jack and Juliette about Naomi and the radio? Juliette says something like "We should tell her" and Jack refuses, but acts like "so what?" about the radio, like he knows it won't work, and probably why.


  • Sunspot
    He knows something we don't know.

    Yup! I caught that whole thing! I almost thought we would learn sumthin GOOD right about then.....

    .....another thing that surprised me no end-was when the guy with the patch on his eye (the one we thought was killed by the electrodes from that super-electric force field) and he shows up meandering about in the jungle? (Huh---WHAT?)

  • Gerard
    (And WHAT is with Jack---being so trusting of and taken in by Juliet?)

    Boy meets sexy girl. Sexy girl dominates boy.

    Julia and the guy who gave Sawyer's dossier to locke, both hate Ben. We should expect a revolt at some point.

    It was a good episode, but the sacrificial stone column in the jungle was a little bit too Hollywood.

    It will be interesting to see if Locke is infiltrating or being indoctrinated.

    Regarding the Russian 'patchy', I agree with Charlie. I would never have have allowed him to just walk away, not without Sayeed interrogating him.

    By the way, I think there are two small submarines. Julia's lift was impecable and had a tower. The one Locke blew up was rusted and had no tower.

    Sawyer is still my favorite character.

  • daystar
    .....another thing that surprised me no end-was when the guy with the patch on his eye (the one we thought was killed by the electrodes from that super-electric force field) and he shows up meandering about in the jungle? (Huh---WHAT?)

    It seems that the island has some sort of miraculous healing properties dependant upon the person. Locke, "special" as he is, went from wheelchair bound, to Tarzan instantly.

    Patchie was probably not dead. I recall that no one actually checked his pulse. And he healed.

    What I wonder is, why Ben is not special? Why is he still walking about with a cane?

  • LeslieV

    Maybe they are all in the process of dying, or dead and these episodes are flashbacks of memory.


  • Jim_TX

    Well, it _is_ interesting that they were told by two independent people that the plane was found under water - and all people on board were dead.

    Note though that they supposedly used remote robots to go down and 'explore' the wreck. I am thinking that they will eventually explain this away as the Dharma initiative people (or whomever) - 'planting' the false evidence of a downed plane - which means that these people are still 'alive' on this island. (The reason might be as simple as them not wanting the crash survivors to be found on the island - which would give its' location away).

    There is still a lot that remains unexplained.


    Jim TX

  • Sunspot

    What I wonder is, why Ben is not special? Why is he still walking about with a cane?

    I was thinking the same thing....especially when he asked to have his cane handed to him, like he is/was sooo dependant on others...(no pun intended).....but then when the "camping out" group was getting packed up and ready to leave, Ben was getting around very well without the cane. Go figure. Is he putting stuff "on"---or did they forget the "continuity" of the story line?

    Yeah...I agree with Patchie just wandering of into the sunset without SOME justification or explanation.....Sawyer hit it right. was a wee bit confused on THAT move! (So what ELSE is new?)

  • Scully
    Ben kept saying Locke brought him. But RS claims he was kidnapped while on his way to the hospital after a car wreck.

    Strange coincidence... kinda like when Juliet's ex-husband got hit by a bus after she told Richard that the only way Edmund would let her go was "if he got hit by a bus".

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