Welp, I have been much more satisfied with the last three episodes. I am actually getting more excited now.
So, Ben is supposed to show Locke what it's all about then next ep? In the preview for nest week's ep, I saw a flash of Roger, the workman they foudn dead in the VW van. Also a flash of some girl in a dress in the jungle. Also a flash of Mr. Dharma Initiative himself in a film showing the Other's town, pre "all hell breaking loose".
The Real Sawyer, that James "Sawyer" strangled last night seemed to believe they were in hell. The writers have again and again insisted that the islanders are not in hell, or purgatory, etc. But, how did the Real Sawyer (RS) get there? Ben kept saying Locke brought him. But RS claims he was kidnapped while on his way to the hospital after a car wreck.
Perhaps the metaphor of the "magic box" just means they have the power to get whatever they want on the island? Maybe that is just part of it?
Thoughts on last night's ep?