On behalf of Linda and myself, I would just like to thank all of you
for your wonderful replies on my other thread..
I printed your replies, along with the pms and emails I received, and
took them to the hospital when I went to visit Linda earlier, and it gave
her a real lift to read them, as it did me. They meant so much to both
of us, far more than I can ever put into words. I will print the ones that have
been posted while I was out later, and take them up there tomorrow, and
I know that they will have the same effect.
Linda sends her love to you all, and is looking forward to the day when she
can thank you herself. She is comfortable and in good spirits considering the
news we had yesterday. We will be discussing treatment tomorrow, and I will
post about that on here when I get back home tomorrow night.
Trev and Linda xxxx