Getting ready to burn some incense for you all. (ran out of candles)
Almost time here.........
by dedpoet 22 Replies latest jw friends
Getting ready to burn some incense for you all. (ran out of candles)
Almost time here.........
Wishing yall the very best!
Hugs 'n smoochies!
Hey Trev & Linda,
All the best to you. Inasmuch as none of this was supposed to happen.
(cheers cbb)
Back at ya, sad emo .......
You are in our thoughts tonight Trevor and Linda!
Im sure this drama has sparked quite a few couples to say "I love you" to each other today.
Now is the moment to say I love you.
I'm glad our responses made both of your days. We all love you two so much.
Trev & Linda..As you can see..Your well loved..My best to you both...OUTLAW
Brother Trev,
We just want Linda to get better so you can enjoy your lives together.
When one or two members of the body are sick, the whole body feels it. We are feeling it.
Remember, we are all here for you, in love.
((((Linda))))) you are just receiving what you have given of so generously in the past: love and support.
It is the way it should be. You are always one of the first on the board to support, help and encourage others.
So now my dear, you are reaping what you have sown.
Hugs to you both.
Good to hear that Linda is comfortable at least. She is a very positive person which will stand her in good stead.
Love and hugs to you both - and look after yourself too Trev.