by Mary 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I have NO desire to ruin a perfectly peaceful evening by hanging out with presumptuous creeps who will only sneer at me.

    Aww Annie, if I was there, I wouldn't sneer atcha. I'd give ya a big ol hug and tell you how glad I was to see you.........not glad that you were attending, just glad to see you.


  • lilybird

    The last time my husband and I went to the memorial about 8 years ago to please my in-laws. It was so boring.. I can't even remember what they said because I was trying not to fall asleep...An elder came and told us if we wanted to come back we would have to have a bible study and then sit at the back of the hall with no one talking to us until we were deemed suitable for reinstatement..NO Thanks.. havent been back ..never will,,

  • blondie
    if we wanted to come back we would have to have a bible study and then sit at the back of the hall with no one talking to us until we were deemed suitable for reinstatement.

    I thought they couldn't study with a df'd person until they were re-instated.

  • lilybird

    well maybe I have the routine mixed up Blondie.. I really didn't pay that much attention to what they were saying anyways.. I just wanted to get outta there!!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Mary, quite contrary!

    You said you thought it was on Tuesday - it's on Monday, 2 April. Did you want those of us who are going to skip to get all psyched up over the wrong night? If I am in error [very likely, because I went to www.watcthtower.org], please be kind to this erring and wayward son of a rebellious slave girl. I went through all four of these thread pages and saw no correction.

    Your indulgence if I am wrong.........


  • gumby
    I thought they couldn't study with a df'd person until they were re-instated.

    That was my understanding also Blondiemeister. It's not a hard and fast requirement, buy oftentimes once a person is re-instated, a bible study is held with the individual .....but ONLY after they are re-instated. Elders can however meet with a DFed person once or several times to encourage them back to the meetings if the Dfed one wants and asks for their help, other than that, the DFed ones get a yearly visit by the elders.......if they are lucky..... since the majority of elders drop the ball even in this area and never call on a dfed one. Known apostates aren't to be called on at all.


  • Mary

    Compound Complext said: Mary, quite contrary! You said you thought it was on Tuesday - it's on Monday, 2 April. Did you want those of us who are going to skip to get all psyched up over the wrong night?

    D'OH!! Sorry, yep you're right, it's Monday......Oooh dat would've been funny....I show up one night too late. LOL!!

    gumelder said: oftentimes once a person is re-instated, a bible study is held with the individual .....but ONLY after they are re-instated.

    What Gumby isn't telling you, is now that he's reinstated, he's studying the old Youth book with one of the elders. He's especially interested in the chapter on masturbation. Once he's done this book, he's moving on to My Book of Bible Stories. He likes to look at the picture of Eve before she sinned. Dirty minded varmit.

    So me l'il Gumbaby.....are you giving the talk this year? Or just partaking of the emblems?

  • bernadette

    I've committed myself to going. Hopefully I'll develop flu or something

  • greendawn

    It's a waste of time going to the memorial of an apostate people who are so firmly rooted in the OT and it's spirit and who have failed to understand that Jesus is the central person in the NT, in the new set up and not jehovah.

  • gumby
    So me l'il Gumbaby.....are you giving the talk this year?

    Why of course I am sister Mary. Here's a photo of me last year giving the talk. I get more attendance than all the other halls in my area because I choose not to serve the cheap "Ripple" brand of wine that the other congregations use, rather I use one that is one of my personal favorites.

    I allow everyone to partake, then I go into my "I need more money" speech, then I fleece the flock like a rabid bastard from hell. You wanna come to my hall this year?


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