An Electric Cancer Cure?

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I am investigating various claims from years past that certain electrical treatments could cure cancer.


    see also:

    Dr. Nordstrom ( who invented the needle biopsy) pursued research into this area and a man named

    Georges Lakhovsky produced dramatic tumor regression in the '30's with an odd electrical device.

    I have long thought that there could be an effective cancer treatment based on electric currents

    since cell division must operate on some sort of separation of charge. In this regard, I also

    think that anecdotal evidence needs to be given much more attention since, if it can be confirmed,

    any person who is given a cancer death sentence who somehow survives requires explanation.

    It's quite different from a person who claims that this or that substance makes them feel better,

    because their lack of dying is powerful evidence that something significant has happened!


  • ex-nj-jw

    Some people survive cancer because the type of cancer does resond to treatment. There are some forms of cancer that cannot be treated or cannot be treated if has been allowed to progress.

    I had a patient today that was dx with breast cancer 2 years ago, now it's in remission. My best friend had breast cancer and died 1 year ago, her's did not respond to treatment.

    There are a lot of variables, you can't just lump everything together and call it cancer.


  • Dune

    I saw something about that in "ripley's believe it or not". It was during that time when people like Thomas Edison would do almost anything to sell their products.

    But who knows?

  • metatron

    There have been some documented cures of cancer of people on the macrobiotic diet. I think the

    factor therein is that the diet may include eating seaweed which has anti-cancer agents in it, as shown

    by dramatic experiments on mice. Again, I would find it most impressive if a person is offered no hope

    by doctors, but survives anyway - and this happens, sometimes.


  • Elsewhere
    I also think that anecdotal evidence needs to be given much more attention since

    Sounds like BS to me.

    I once wanted a red light to turn green and in frustration I nodded at the light, which IMMIDATLY turned green. Does this mean that nodding at a red light will cause it to turn green? According to that guy the answer is YES!

    Bull Sht

  • Jourles

    So you're saying that if you got hit by lightning, you could be cured of cancer?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You might want to go to "" and see if there is anything on that site about this form of treatment. As for macrobiotics one of the leading proponents of that diet Michio Kushi's wife Aveline died of cancer. She wrote a book called "The Macrobiotic Cancer Prevention Cookbook". Also one of their daughters died of cancer. In the end Anveline even tried conventional cancer treatment to see if it would help.

  • metatron

    As for macrobiotics, I only point out some unusual cures within it. And yes, I recall that Adele Davis got cancer, too

    Not all anecdotal evidence should be treated the same way. I repeat that, if a person is given a death sentence by modern medicine

    and gets cured in association with some odd treatment, it needs attention.

    As for a dramatic experiment with a seaweed extract, see Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 92, 483 - 487, May 2001

    as for more evidence of electric effects on cancer, see Cancer Research 64, 3288 - 3295, May 1, 2004,

    "Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication by Alternating Electric Fields"

    too long to reproduce here...

    The problem is, who pays for and champions a potential cure that can never make any money - or sometimes, even be patented?

    There's a recent book called "Money Driven Medicine" that brings up this very point.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If anyone offers you a cure for any chronic metabolic disorder that does not involve big changes to your diet and lifestyle, you should clamp your hand over your wallet and run out of the door.

  • Gill

    It's an interesting theory but I suspect it is more likely to slow down cancer than cure it if it were proven to help.

    Since cancer, as in a lot of illness, is a failiure of the immune system to seek and destroy faulty cells, the cure has to lie in kick starting the immune system into full gear again. We all have cancerous cells in our bodies, it's just that normally our killer cells do just that, KILL them. For some reason, the killer cells are not recognising the faulty cells so they need to be reintroduced into their mission by having their target reidentified to them.

    This is why, anti cancer vaccinations may well be the way to go.

    Otherwise, there has to be, until the day that we find these anti cancer vaccines, a way to re inforce and waken up the immune system of the cancer sufferer. This is why we get these miraculous regressions. The 'Will to live', sheer happiness, whatever it is that re kick starts the immune system, something does just that, and people continue to survive and live with cancer, not just die of it.

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