An Electric Cancer Cure?

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Keep in mind that this is my own curiosity working, I'm not advising anyone to open their wallet.


  • Jim_TX

    I think that there ay be many non-orthodox cures for cancer out there.

    The problem is that most people today have been brain-washed into believing that the only possible cure for cancer is going to be through the American Cancer Society. This in not necessarily true. Why would an organization want to go out of business by finding a cure? (they don't - and won't)

    I remember in days - not long ago - when one was diagnosed with cancer, the answer was 'cut it out', and there would be an operation to cut out the cancer. Of course, if the doctors didn't 'get it all', it would just spread to other areas of the body and resurface later. Sometimes greater than before.

    I also remember being told of a doctor - in the late 30's, or perhaps it was in the 50's - I am not sure when - that was able to cure patients who conventional medicine had given up on, and many were told to go home and make their wills - they were going to die. This doctor would take on these patients, and within a matter of weeks - or months - have them cured. When they went back to their other doctor for a checkup, they would be amazed, and want to know what happened.

    Well... I believe this doctor's name was Dr. Hoxley - and the AMA and FDA finally drove him out of the states - and he went to Mexico to set up his practice.

    Yeah, I know... many here will say it is not true. *shrug* Go ahead.

    As a teen, I remember that there was an underground movement - a supposed cancer cure. It was a salve that was made by someone... if memory serves correctly, an Indian woman who lived in Oklahoma. It contained apricot pits - or a derivative thereof, along with other healing herbs.

    My mom had a growth on her right hand... and she got some of this salve and put it on her hand, covering it with a gauze bandage. She kept treating this way for many weeks. The 'thing', seemed to 'pull out' of her hand, looking much like a mushroom with the center part of it still connected to her hand - not wanting to let go. Finally, it too let go, and she was able to remove this growth. She put it in a jar with alcohol, to preserve it.

    She took it to her doctor, and had a biopsy done on it. It came back benign - or dead. The doctor wanted to know where it came from. I'm not sure if my mom ever told her.

    Where the growth had been, was replaced with bright pink new skin, which filled in nicely.

    Was it cancer? *shrug* I dunno. I think so... but proving it is not possible. It was something. The salve did not attack her entire hand - only this certain part of it.

    Anyway... I am rambling.

    I think that there are already cancer cures... they just do not fall in line with what the American Cancer Society (or its' cohorts) want to accept as a 'cure'.


    Jim TX

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