GB makes exception

by sspo 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sspo

    Have some of you ever seen in the organization a Minesterial Servant that misses meetings for weeks at a time, hardly ever preaches

    shows up occasionally for Sunday meeting. When you mention his name to other servants , no one wants to talk about it.

    The reason the elders and the CO don't remove him is that once a year the society needs him at Bethel since he is licensed in certain trades

    and would be very expensive to hire some contractors in NY city.

    Others would have been removed years ago for missing meetings and service.

    Again it's all about money, he does not have to meet the qualifications like the rest.

  • found-my-way
    special work which I cannot go into it.

    sounds awfully suspicious.....what is he? an FBI / CIA agent? not really a JW at all...but pretending to be one to be able to do some recon or whatever? makes one wonder what they have to be so secretive about....

    ~found, of the over active imagination class

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    The reason the elders and the CO don't remove him is that once a year the society needs him at Bethel for special work which I cannot go into it.

    Why not go into it? I mean....this is the time of the end. The Big "A" is soooooo close and Jah said that everything would be revealed.

    On a more serious note, I cannot fathom why ANYTHING about the WTS should be a secret. When someone holds secrets, they've got something dirty/sneaky/underhanded to hide.

  • SirNose586

    Have some of you ever seen in the organization a Minesterial Servant that misses meetings for weeks at a time, hardly ever preaches

    shows up occasionally for Sunday meeting. When you mention his name to other servants , no one wants to talk about it.

    The reason the elders and the CO don't remove him is that once a year the society needs him at Bethel for special work which I cannot go into it.

    I've never seen this happen. Are you talking about an MS mole or something??

  • Pahpa

    This doesn't surprise me. He has the hallowed approval of Bethel. What elder would dare question his position in the congregation when he is being used by those "important" brothers at Bethel? The organization is riff with double standards and exceptions. So this case should not surprise any of us.

  • metatron

    I predicted this sort of thing happening because the Society is so thinly supported in some skilled

    areas that it has no choice. They may even get internally blackmailed if various people hold secrets

    that could get them in legal trouble.


  • Warlock

    I know of a case many years ago in which to CO wanted to have a MS removed for getting about 5 hours a month in FS time. The elder body told the CO they didn't want him to be removed, and then told the CO why this MS's hours had gotten so low. The main reason was that he had to take over caring for a very sick relative, in addition to some other stuff. After getting the facts, the CO said it was o.k.

    Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that only a few know about.


  • yaddayadda

    Nope never heard of that. If the MS becomes irregular in his field service he will definitely be dumped, no matter what his other skills are.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Not just for bethel. I knew a lot of cats who were working with the regional building commitee. These guys hardly ever attended their KH, one was my P.O. You would see him maybe one sunday out the month. Of course since he was on the R.B.C. nothing was ever said about his attendance.

  • zagor

    What kind of skill would that be that they can't hire someone to do it instead?

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