If you had to explain to a non Jehovah's Witness or even to a Jehovah's Witness (better called Watchtower's Witness) the reasons why the WT religion is not worth being with, and why it is worthy of disapproval, what would your high impact arguments be? If someone asked why is that religion not good, why are you accusing it?
High impact ideas disproving the WTS
by greendawn 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mrs Smith
Do you want to approach it from a religious point of view or not?
my personal one that I always use that is undeniable and irrefutable is the one I'm always harping on about . (has worked with the people I've used it with)
babies and children having to sit through 5 meetings a week and going door to door (in short they are expected to engage in all the activites the adults are required to)
That to me demonstrates the borg's shortsighted immaturity, lack of love and makeshift structure.
I dont understand what you mean by high impact ideas Greendawn.
But just yesterday I got to do some of my first "anti-witnessing" to a Buddhist woman.
She is a neighbor and we have talked before and found each other very inspiring. She asked me about my background. I told her I was recovering from a 35 year association with the Jehovahs Witnesses that ended very badly. She asked me about the Witnesses. My heart fluttered a bit as I informed her that in my opinion, having spent some 35 years among them that they are a cult. She gasped! "You mean like the Jim Jones Cult?"
Not exactly, they do not follow one man, but a governing body of men back in NY. I say they are a cult because if the Bible says one thing and the governing body says another, the witnesses will follow the governing body.
She agreed that did not sound right. But keep in mind she is Buddhist. I further told her that they have been predicting and looking forward to the end of the world for a hundred years. They believe that God is going to wipe the earth clean very soon by killing billions of persons who are not Jehovahs witnesses off the face of the earth. She looked horrified! "How can they believe such a thing?" "I had no idea they believed such a monstrous thing!"
And two, they are false predictors and look forward to a gruesome annihilation of the earths population--just sick and weird. -
I would rather have them approach me with their own misgivings from their own experiences and observations. Then I would ask them what they think the bible says. Then I would let it sit for awhile. I might go back with a scripture supporting their conclusion.
When I was a JW no direct attack budged me but my observations of lying, hypocrisy, unscriptural policies, finally made me leave on my own.
I have read Captive to a Concept and I truly believe that people have to finally conclude that God is not backing the WTS before they will listen to other information.
Frannie Banannie
Their protection of pedophiles within the R&F.
What their "no blood" policy is actually based on and the harm it does and they lengths they go to to enforce it.
The always "just around the corner" predictions of total anihilation of the earth's populace, with the exception of WTS members.
Their decades of lambasting the UN as the "harlot riding the back of the wild beast" in Revelation and then giving wimpy excuses for signing up as a UN/NGO and IMMEDIATELY resigning their UN/NGO position upon revelation of it.
Mrs Smith and anewme what I really meant was the presenting of arguments of any kind, religious or philosophical etc, that would be compelling in showing that the WTS is a false organisation. Good points have been presented. My major argument here is the annoying fact that the WTS refuses to aknowledge the Christ as the central figure in the New Testament and though they say that they aknowledge him as a King in reality they treat him (the immediate and direct head of the church), as an almost coincidental figure in the grand scheme of things. For them clearly jehovah is the central figure of everything. They have therefore missed the essence of the NT message and are in fact alien to the spirit, nature, and approach of Christianity. In fact their approach has such a strong Judaic influence one wonders if this organisation is secretly being run by Jews. Even the term church seems to be alien to them since they never apply it themselves: they are not the church of Christ but the organisation of Jehovah.
Frannie Banannie
My major argument here is the annoying fact that the WTS refuses to aknowledge the Christ as the central figure in the New Testament and though they say that they aknowledge him as a King in reality they treat him (the immediate and direct head of the church), as an almost coincidental figure in the grand scheme of things. For them clearly jehovah is the central figure of everything. They have therefore missed the essence of the NT message and are in fact alien to the spirit, nature, and approach of Christianity.
Absolutely, Greendawn. They've shuffled Christ along with the rest of the anointed aside, in favor of being looked upon and admired as the ONLY channel between God and mankind. pfffttt!
There is no real "Silver Bullet" or winner takes all argument. As has been said here by others, it really depends on the disposition of the person. They must be sized up. As you will see I prefer to use the bible, because it is believed by them to be inspired. Dredging up old Watchtowers that they will be hard pressed to find for confirmation is only useful once they have started to detach from the hive mind. People who lead with stuff from before they were born usually do not make an impact.
Are they die hards? Don't bother. Are they depressed? Be a friend and truthful. Are they disillusioned and feeling trapped in the theology? Then show them the flaws.
Ray Franz unties most of the knots in Search of Christian Freedom. If you haven't done so, read it and get familiar with some of the ones that help you.
If they respect the bible, then use IT to undo JW doctrines. If on the other hand they are not so good at comprehending logical argumentation then tactfully call out the "brotherhood" for what it is, a loveless class system of pedophiles and hypocrites. Emperors new clothes.
Luke 21:8 is a great scripture to reason with them on. It is short and sweet.
1 Tim 3:15,16 says it is "scripture that is inspired" and it equips. The text says fully and complete, so why are extra books and magazines needed? Follow up with 1 John 2:26,27
Elsewhere there are scriptures like 1 Cor 15:33 the famous "bad association" scripture. Reading the entire context of the chapter reveals that JW's are bad association because they do not believe in the heavenly resurrection for all.
I also like using the topic of military service. You must be careful how you use this one. Jesus said if "someone in authority impresses you into service 1 mile, go with him 2 miles" (Matt 5:41). The implication is not clear at first, but using the Watchtowers own references takes you to the account of the Roman Centurion impressing Simon into carrying the weapon that kills Jesus. Also the christian converts who were in the military, such as Cornelius, are never told anywhere to leave the military, even when some asked as in Luke 3:14
At this time of year with the silly memorial fast approaching, Jesus discourse on everlasting life in John 6 is revealing. Especially verses around 54.
Romans 6:7 is used to prop up the Watchtower teaching that death acquits of sin, however a contextual read of the preceding 6 verses shows that Paul was talking not of literal death but a symbolic death of the old person/personality. It can be argued that if death aquits of sin, why is that those in the bible, including Lazarus's and the boy who fell to his death during a discourse of Paul, who were resurrected, did not keep living.?
Most if not all JW single text doctrines can be overturned by just comparing the context, reviewing related material or simply reading the verses apart from JW explanations. A good example is Matt 18:15-17. Jesus says if your "brother sins" end of story. According to Jesus, sin, that is any sins, were to be handled lovingly and in private. There is no justification for snitching, gossiping or DF'ing if that text is taken the way Jesus said it.
There is so much that can be used it is overwhelming. But use common sense and dish it out a little at a time and do not over stay your welcome.
Remember that you do not need to believe any of the above is true, important or relevant to you and your view of the world. The point is to help them with what they believe.
Hope some of this proves helpful.
1. This religion claims to be the only true religion, and yet; it has never once been correct in its "reliable" bible chronology about when important events would occur or the importance of those events. This identifies them (using scriptural standards) as a FALSE PROPHET.
2. This religion hypocritically expects householders who open the door to JW ministers to read material which is designed to change that householder's views about their own religion, yet, these selfsame "ministers" refuse to allow their own people to read material designed to change theirs.
3.This religion discourages all charity, the building of universities, hospitals, daycare centers, women's shelters, volunteer work, voting, higher education or better paying jobs based on a repeatedly demonstrated false view of End Times prophecy.
4.This religion is a parasite taking full advantage of legal means to further its aims, protection by law enforcement and tax deferment, but, refusing to serve the common good by alternate military service in times of war.
5. This religion cannot admit any errors while excoriating other religions when their failings are brought to light.
8. Children are allowed to die when medical treatment involving blood transfusions is required. Women are required to scream when being raped or risk disfellowshipment even if it risks their life. Pedophiles are protected in a shroud of secrecy.
9. The "love" you will receive from your fellow JW is always probationary and can be revoked in a heartbeat. If you invest your time, effort and sincere devotion to serving the God of the Watchtower you can be cut off in the blink of an eye should you criticize, query or second-guess even the most obvious error in their teachings.
10. You will never get to heaven, be certain of God's grace or find an assurance that your reward is a promise that won't be revoked.
That's ten good HIGH IMPACT reasons right off the top of my head. How's that?