Today's Text is Scriptural Blasphemy

by gumby 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Shakita

    I find it very funny to see ones who are weak minded try to explain issues they don't truly understand. First of all, everyone seems to be thinking figuratively on these subjects. Instead of trying to understand both sides, like those who truly want to understand the bible, i.e. Jehovahs Witnesses, you simply go with crowd and throw truth to the wind. Like the statement about throwing out love for your fellowman. If a volcano was going to blow-up, you and a few people found out about it and decided to tell everyone to get out, that in its self would showing love for your fellowman because you are trying to show them that if they don't get out they WILL die.

    Witnesses do as Jesus commanded the first christians, Go forth and make deciples. If anyone truly studies the bible they will learn of the impending doom for Satan his demons and this system of things. If the witnesses didnt go forth and teach ones to look toward the bible for support, they wouldnt be showing that love.

    So you should think next time a JW comes to your house, they set aside their time out of their day to come and help you to succeed in calling satan a liar for his remark to the true god, that he could turn all of mankind against him. Why dont you try and go Door to Door and inform people of bible truths and have litterally laugh, spit, yell and ridicule you for trying to help them escape with their lives.

    If you would have taken time to read the comment from Gumby, you may have gotten the point. You missed the point because you are looking at things through WT eyes. In the parable of

    the Good Samaritan, Jesus demonstrates what it means to truly be a neighbor to ones fellowman. A Jew is left for dead on the side of a road after being set upon by robbers. Fellow Jews, a priest and a Levite. pass him by. Then a Samaritan sees the Jewish victim on the side of the road and he takes care of his wounds and transports him to a local inn. He sees to it that this man's needs are taken care of and he even leaves some money to cover the expenses.

    Jesus answers the question about who proved himself to be this man's neighbor. This Samaritan man proved himself to be a good neighbor by showing love, not for a fellow Jew, but for a fellow man. It is interesting to note what Jesus did not say. He did not say that being of a certain religion was necessary for ones survival. There was nothing at all about what one needed to do to be saved. It was a simple parable that illustrated our responsibility as fellow human beings to show love for one another regardless of ones ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc. If people all over the world would stop insisting that their religion was the right one and they would simply love their fellowman from their hearts, there would be a real change on this earth. It is religious fundamentalism that causes persons to hate one another over artificial differences.

    You insist that the Witnesses preach the good news because they love their fellowman and they don't want them to die at Armageddon by God's hand. I say that the war of Armageddon as outlined in the Bible is an invention of man. This belief causes men to serve God out of fear. As long as they toe the line, they just might survive when God comes to perform the greatest act of mass murder in history. How is such a teaching consistent with a God of love? This God, that is supposed to possess superior knowledge and wisdom chooses to solve the problems of this earth by destroying everyone on it, except for JW's. So, when God is faced with difficult problems, the only way that he knows how to solve those problems is through mass murder. Might does not always make right. Those persons that survive Armageddon would then serve God out of fear that they may suffer the same fate if they step out of line. Any love for God would be suspect. That love would be a love given under coercion, not by that ones free will.

    You seem to also think that everyone, save JW's, have been turned away from God by Satan. Again, you are looking at things through WT eyes. There are millions upon millions of persons that demonstrate the love of God through their actions. If you would just open your eyes you would see that their are many non-JW's that are good people. You have been taught that everyone outside of the JW's are in Satan's grasp. They all have the propensity for evil. This teaching is just a way for the WT to keep their members inside the fold. I have family members that are still JW's. If that's what they want to do, I have no problem with that. Yet, I feel sorry for them because the WT has kept the real truth from them. They go through their whole loves believing the WT paradigm. They sacrifice their lives, not for God, but for WT teachings and dogma. That is sad. But I don't hate them, I love them. The teaching that former JW's become evil hateful apostates is another lie put forth by the WT.

    You probably won't listen to what I have had to say. But you owe it to yourself and your family to at least examine what I have had to say. God loves all mankind. He just doesn't love JW's and hate all others. Jesus's message was intended for all men and women, not for those persons of a particular religion, nationality, ethnicity or sect. There will never be an intervention from God where he destroys just about every last one of us. Only we humans can change what happens on this planet. The sky God won't come to magically fix our problems. Each one of us needs to work at changing ourselves. It is only when we choose to change from within and try to effect changes from without that changes will come. If we finally realize that we have the power to change this earth through our positive actions is when a change will come about.

    Mr. Shakita

  • BluesBrother

    Hi Truth-Giver, welcome to the board..

    The answer that you gave is one that we may have said ourselves in the past. Your illustration holds good in the first instance.. of course if disaster is really looming, the kindest thing is to warn of it.

    But despite their claims of "urgency" the WT has been preaching the end for 130 years or so, with no sign of the end as yet. During that time J W's are not "Preaching the good news" for 24/7 .. They have time like the rest of us for normal neighborly actions.

    Our point is this, Are such actions encouraged? An honest answer has to be "no". At least only in a little way to your immediate neighbours in the hope that they might be impressed and become J W's .

    The contrast with other churches is evident . J W's have no charity funds in the congregations , the only emergency relief is directed at their own people. Jesus had a fund for the poor , Why not the "Christian Witnesses of Jehovah"?

    BTW I do concede that the theme scripture that started this thread , John 15, was talking about love among the disciples , but the criticism is sound.


    Why dont you try and go Door to Door and inform people of bible truths and have litterally laugh, spit, yell and ridicule you for trying to help them escape with their lives.

    Nearly all of us have been there and done it , abuse and all. It was not that which made us stop. It was the acquisition of knowlege. What the WT once called "accurate knowlege" . The real accurate knowledge helps you see what a horrible wast of a life it all was . But stick around, research and check it out . You owe that to yourself

  • anewme

    "Who really is my neighbor?"

  • mouthy

    (((((((((((((((((((((GUMBY))))))))))))))))!!!! When the missus sees you reading the day text....You will be Alright tonight darling
    That s the conditions they go by !!!I will be good to you as long as your read our stuff.
    It does remind me of the quote about the tall glass of lemonade on a very hot summers it is arsnic -but who knows until you get to the bottom of the glass. That is when you die spiritually, phsycally ....Dearest Gumby ...I miss you Gran

  • Gill

    Oh Mouthy! Truer words were never spoken! What a difficult tightrope our Gumby has to walk. At least he knows the rules of the game......and I hope he's wearing his parachute......just in case!

  • Hellrider


    You are sidestepping the issue. The question is: Since the Biblical text says "love thy neighbour!", why then does the WTS in its publication choose to interpret this as meaning: "Christians are to love their fellow christians" (and only jw`s are considered the true christians by the WTS, and actually, the fact is that only the annointed is to be considered true christians, and not the "other sheep", but let`s not go that deep into it). Why does the WTS choose to interpret it this way, when the meaning of the Biblical text does nothing to exclude non-christians from the love one is supposed to share? The text simply says: Thy neighbour! Not "thine neighbours who happen to share in your particular interpretation of the Bible". No! It simply says "thy neighbour". Now that I have clarified this for you, please explain to us again why the WTS is right to interpret this scripture as "love between christians". Please.

    As for your "going door to door"-comment, other christian denominations are growing much more rapidly by spreading their message via other, more modern means of communication. TV-evangelists, for example, are responsible for attracting tens of times (if not hundreds) as many new members every year as the door-knocking of the JWs ever did. So please, don`t bring in the door-knocking as an example of your love, because we all know that the ministry-work is dreaded among most jws, and they don`t put too much "love" into it when they drag their worn-out shoes from door to door on Saturday mornings...They do it because they are obligated to do it...(to remain in "good standing", and keep the ticket to paradise), nothing more. And besides, this whole point is just a way to sidestep the issue above. So now, if you please: An explanation.

  • alotlikemay

    Gill, I knew people in my time as a JW who I can only describe as evil - cruel people

    but you're not tarring them all with the same brush are you? I have to say that I also met some really wonderful genuine people there too .... course most of those have now left LOL but all the same I'm careful not to generalise too much

  • alotlikemay

    you know, Truth_Giver, if you take the Watchtower Society's advice seriously and to-the-letter then you are indulging in "bad associations" right now, mixing with us. I can't think of any reason you'd be here that would be acceptable to your organisation - and I was a full-time minister for 20 or so years so I know what I'm talking about. [By the way, I imagine that you've pioneered for some time, speaking from experience of the ministry as you do....? I pioneered all those years so there's nothing you can tell me about people's reactions to the ministry]

    But brother you really shouldn't be mixing with us, we will "spoil useful habits" for you. We are the cyberland equivalent of do-not-calls for you.

  • Gill

    alotlikemay - They are ALL capable of turning on someone who leaves the Watchtower like savage beasts and tearing such a person apart in reputation and with slander. That makes them ALL the same to me. I've seen the nicest JW ladies turn into slavering slanderous beasts. In 38 years, I never met one who did not HATE apostates and concur with the nasty hateful words of others.

    Even Sadam Hussain could be a nice bloke to people that he liked. If you crossed him he wouldn't think twice at killing you. Slander is murder of the character. Jehovah's Witnesses murder the character of everyone they Disfellowship, call apostate and Shun!

    They ALL do that!

  • Mad

    Well, all I can say is that if the 'love' you're showing HERE is whatcher talkin' about- then you shouldn't be talking so deceptively about us JWs! You need to see a shrink worse than I!



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