When you hear that old Brother So-and-So died or that Sister Elder's Wife is very ill, do you feel bad?--------- Like you want to call the family, see the sick former friends??
When You Hear of a Witness Getting Sick or Dying, Does It Bother You?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I don't want any of them to suffer or die, but why wouldn't it happen to them? I'm counting on the fact that they will get old get sick and die. It's a normal process. But living in lalaland, they may think that they are spared.
Seeing many get old and sick and die, will make a few wake up in the congregation, and they will finally realize that the end didn't come in due time for these people, and maybe it wont for them neither.
The dying bit doesn't bother me,
BUT when the congregational elders have gotten the family daughter in prison and I have to organise her fathers funeral.
THAT takes the biscuit!!
I suppose her Mum will be next.
Very sad for an organisation that is supposed to be loving and caring!
Less and less Minimus
When you hear that old Brother So-and-So died or that Sister Elder's Wife is very ill, do you feel bad?--------- Like you want to call the family, see the sick former friends??
Of course bro! We're all human beings and we need one another. I still see all the Witnesses as my brothers and sisters, even if they don't see me in the same way.
Not one friggin' itoa. We're all in line with our tickets punched, it's going to happen to us, and it WILL happen to them, even thought it was not supposed to. One of the more destructive teachings of surreal watchower lies.
It all depends on whether they were @$$holes or not.
I don't wish illness or death on anyone (with the exception of murderers, child molesters...etc). When I hear of an elderly JW passing I see it as the 'normal' course of life... When I hear of a younger person that I used to know in the org. dying from illness or accident I feel badly for them and their family. Call it Karma or whatever.
Not unless I personally knew them no. Everybody gets sick and dies, I can't literally go round feeling sorry for all of them and I'm certainly not going to feel sorry based on religious inclination cause thats plain dumb.
Having said that, I must say that the JWs attitude when hearing of the death or illness of a DF'd person is often smug and cold.
I have heard the scripture "...time and unforseen circumstances befall us all..." quoted when a JW is killed in an accident but if an XJW dies in an identical accident the very next day they impy it was because they were out of Jahs favor. In many ways, being a JW hardens a lot of hearts.