a Fairly Interesting Occurence.

by RichieRich 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    Too bad you are not closer Richie.....After a few glasses of wine for my grandma.....I might do a piercing or another tatoo....


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    What size jewelry was he using? Usually, small surface piercings through vascular tissue reject fairly easily, unless they're at least 12g. But bonus points to him for being brave enough to do his own work.

    He said 14g although he did have one at 12g at one time.

    It's not about being brave enough to do his own (he said the genital ones weren't bad at all (since they were just beneath the skin)...the nipple piercings were the hard ones! (he didn't have one of those neat attachments where the jewelry basically follows the needle through)...He's just too chickinsh*t to let someone else do it to him!

  • crazyblondeb

    Hijacking the thread for a minute:

    Happy Birthday asleif_dufansdottir !!!

  • asleif_dufansdottir


    (it's actually tomorrow - April 1st! you have no idea how much crap I've taken about that )

    Before I was born the doctor told my parents I was going to be a boy and they had boy's stuff all picked out.

  • Sunspot

    I know I am terribly "out of my league" in this thread, but I HAVE to say how I look forward to anything Richie has to say as one of my favorite posters! I don't pretend to know half the terms on this thread but thats okay..... can live with that!

    I remember when it was mentioned back when Janet Jackson revealed that she had a nipple piercing (OOOOOOUCH) and I am sure that made Mama JW Jackson was thrilled beyond words to have THAT make the media. I also remember how I cringed even THINKING ABOUT having a nipple pierced! A stray thread on the seam of a bra will make me go insane until I remove it! (more info than ANYONE wanted to know, I'm sure) I can't imagine how anyone can derive pleasure from pain in the nether regions that usually only a GYN would see, LOL!

    Please understand I am not knocking anyone's choices or saying they are wrong in doing this stuff.....it just isn't for ME, ya know? I wouldn't even MIND a small butterfly, flower or tiny fairy tattooed on my ankle, back or upper arm....but those piercings that HAVE to hurt and chafe.....would make me think long and hard about them if I was younger.

    Thanks Richie for the story---you are always interesting! I am tickled that you are doing SO well and enjoying everything life is putting out there in front of you! If your new friend is reading this....I want to say hello to you too!



  • anewme

    Wow, you got me Richard! I think Im gonna have a permanent blush after reading that one!!

  • RichieRich
    once dated a guy with a particularly interesting piercing(which frankly did nothing for ME)

    you can put a spoiler on a gremlin, and it won't speed it up. If you already can't work with, well, what you're working with, then putting metal in it doesn't make anything better.

    I am shocked when people pierce baby ears-do parents allow their children to pierce other things?

    On kids, its mostly belly buttons and nostrils on high school age girls, and interesting ear piercings (besides the lobe)

    Or do the big hole in the ear thing/body modifications?

    Technically, you can do the big hole in the ear thing from a standard size ear piercing, like what I'm sure you have in your ears. We do sell jewelry for stretched lobes, but we also use discernment, and won't sell to people who we don't think understand what they are doing. As far as heavier modifications, you must be 18, and we have to be confident that this is somethig you really want, before you get implanted or things of that sort. Its up to our discretion, and honestly, a lot of people don't measure up.

    Do you need to check ID or do you do anyone?

    not only do we check ID, we make a copy, and have the client sign a consent form that says this is what they want.

    He said 14g although he did have one at 12g at one time.

    It's not about being brave enough to do his own (he said the genital ones weren't bad at all (since they were just beneath the skin)...the nipple piercings were the hard ones! (he didn't have one of those neat attachments where the jewelry basically follows the needle through)...He's just too chickinsh*t to let someone else do it to him!

    well if they were an adequate gauge, then they must have just not been deep enough. It doesn't take a genius to put a needle through someone's body, but it does take a bit of know how... And nipples do suck. Mine were done at 8g initally. That was a horrible decision.

    asleif_dufansdottir , happy birthday

    Please understand I am not knocking anyone's choices or saying they are wrong in doing this stuff.....it just isn't for ME, ya know? I wouldn't even MIND a small butterfly, flower or tiny fairy tattooed on my ankle, back or upper arm....but those piercings that HAVE to hurt and chafe.....would make me think long and hard about them if I was younger.

    Its understandable. Trust me though when I say that if it was THAT bad, not so many people would do it. And there's no pain once everything is healed, and chafing is non existant too.

    Wow, you got me Richard! I think Im gonna have a permanent blush after reading that one!!

    Just consider yourself enlightened. Its ok, a lot of people blush.

  • rebel8
    nothing says rebellion like a little metal in your pants

    I got my brain pierced as a secret rebellion against the dead end religion. I used to wear a ring in my cerebellum, with a dangling charm engraved with the words "independent thinker".

    Unfortunately it got worn down over the years from overuse of my brain, and some of the letters can't be read. Now it just says "dent".

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Just wondering Rich. Is there a cutoff point for you? No pun intended. You are still a young man and you could go as far as you want, until you run out of skin or areas to peirce. Have you thought about it?

  • RichieRich
    Just wondering Rich. Is there a cutoff point for you? No pun intended. You are still a young man and you could go as far as you want, until you run out of skin or areas to peirce. Have you thought about it?

    Yes, there are cut off points for me. there are modifications I don't want performed on myself, like facial / neck / hand tattoos, and facial piercings aren't really my thing. I do plan on mostly complete coverage of my torso and arms and legs though. But the majority of that is easily covered. There's only one surgical modification I would consider, which is lingual bifurcation, but everything else is pretty much out of my plans.

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