But there needs to be more than sex for a marriage to be satisfactory eg a good emotional life, and compatibility of characters.
I concur. Beautifully stated greendawn!
by avidbiblereader 33 Replies latest jw friends
But there needs to be more than sex for a marriage to be satisfactory eg a good emotional life, and compatibility of characters.
I concur. Beautifully stated greendawn!
I think that sexual compatibility is extremely important. Sex itself may or may not be important, i.e. if both partners are fairly low sex drives (due to age or whatever). But it's vital that both partners be at the same level on that.
I think that sexual compatibility is extremely important. Sex itself may or may not be important, i.e. if both partners are fairly low sex drives (due to age or whatever). But it's vital that both partners be at the same level on that.
Exactly Euphemism. The problem is when one or both of the partners aren't honest about their true feelings on the matter prior to marriage. This occurs far too often.
It was very important when I was young but now in my seventies it doesn't matter that much, sort of a relief not to be so influenced by it.
Ken P.
I think it depends on the sex drive of both partners. Sex and love are totally two different things. You don't need sex to have a wonderful, loving, marriage if BOTH parners are satisfied intimately.
Dr. Bryan
It's important when he or I need some ... (means somehow it is important to be able to answers needs - and that's the most interesting part of the sex game = knowing that you please him).
Though, I'm not sure orgasme is a need (it happens or not, it's big or smoother) I did appreciate sex way before to have my first orgasme (after 6 months or so relationship - and it was weird to me the first time by the way - I was wondering: what is that ? you have no controle over it - but I fell asleep while thinking about it ... LOL ... I guess it took all my energy that first time and well it's not my best sexual experience - good but not the best even from my experience with him) the next day my ex asked me, what happened? I said : I don't know, I was just tetanised.
My hypothetical feeling is that sex is important(not all important, but up there with food/water/shelter:) )when both partners are healthy and able to engage in and enjoy it. At some point due to health or aging issues, it may become the least of your issues-or no issue at all. But the stuff that goes on in a relationship that leads to the satisfying relationship don't happen in bed. And when sex is no longer a part of it, thats the relationship that keeps you going through better or worse. That, or kids and a mortgage:)
sex is ultimately important.... marriage...not. next question!
From my experience, sex keeps the marriage going. Through thick and thin and through all our ups and downs, the sexual chemistry between my husband and myself has made us work things out. Whatever needs fixing will be fixed in order to keep the passion going because we are both addicted to each other. I don't know if this is healthy or not but I can honestly say that I don't LIKE or LOVE my husband as much as I LIKE AND LOVE having sex with him. Boy, that can't be healthy, can it?
I LIKE AND LOVE having sex with him. Boy, that can't be healthy, can it?
Yes it is. Next question!