Without sex, it is friendship, at best, very close friendship.
Add sex, and you have a tie that binds, as long as both partners are evenly matched givers who have similar appetites.
Add God, and you have a threefold cord.
by avidbiblereader 33 Replies latest jw friends
Without sex, it is friendship, at best, very close friendship.
Add sex, and you have a tie that binds, as long as both partners are evenly matched givers who have similar appetites.
Add God, and you have a threefold cord.
I ask this of everyone if their was no sex would any one bother with it.
I mean when you take legal sex out of the picture there is no reason for marriage.
Add God, and you have a threefold cord.
Explains why the bible belt has the lowest highest divorce rate.
Aside from the quickie-divorce Mecca of Nevada, no region of the United States has a higher divorce rate than the Bible Belt. Nearly half of all marriages break up, but the divorce rates in these southern states are roughly 50 percent above the national average.
According to federal figures:
Why so many divorces in the Bible Belt?
Experts cite low household incomes (Oklahoma ranks 46th and Arkansas 47th), and a tendency for couples to marry at a younger age than in many other states.
Religion may play a role, since some of the lowest divorce rates are in northeastern states with relatively high household incomes and large numbers of Roman Catholics whose church doesn't recognize divorce. ( Hence why liberals come from there and tend to be for women rights )
Bible Belt states, in contrast, are dominated by fundamentalist Protestant denominations that proclaim the sanctity of marriage but generally do not want to estrange churchgoers who do divorce.
No state has been more embarrassed by the divorce problem than Oklahoma. Over the past few months, Gov. Frank Keating has enlisted clergymen, academics, lawyers and psychologists in a campaign to reduce the divorce rate by a third within 10 years. In neighboring Arkansas, state officials hope to halve the divorce rate by 2010.
Source: David Crary, "Bible Belt Leads U.S. in Divorces," Associated Press, November 12, 1999.
I can cook and clean for myself. I can have intelligent (or stupid) conversations with my friends. If I'm going to be in a committed relationship I expect a little more than the occasional dutiful kiss on the cheek.
I've been out of my loveless marriage for over 3 years now. No relationships either. I've never been happier in my life.