As far as illiteracy in this country is concerned, it is a hopeless case.
Some decades back (maybe starting in the 1960s) some people put their heads together and decided to water down the subject of English grammar taught in the U.S. in grade schools. This is the critical time and place where grammar should be learned.
Maybe they felt it was too hard to teach to a changing population with classes that are too large. Maybe they felt there would be a crisis in the classroom for the overwhelmed teachers. I can't say I blame them. I wouldn't want to be teaching them either. So, they watered English down and made it "simple". The result is that today even some college graduates have marginal gramatical skills. At some point in grade schools they either stopped teaching or stopped emphasizing how to diagram a sentence. The result is that some people put a period at the end of what is not a complete thought. I occasionally forget how and where to use a comma and I am always looking up words in the dictionary (I couldn't live without it).
There are people who get an attitude and think emphasing grammar and spelling is like forcing religion down their throat. They pooh-pooh it and think all they need are computer tech skills.
Like other things, I think it is a lost cause at this point.