If God showed up at your front door (somewhat like a materialized angel?), and asked if He could come in and visit with you, what would you do?
Entertaining God
by onacruse 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'd start by asking Him to pick his poison. Alcohol is great truth serum. That way I might be able to get some straight answers from the guy.
Are we talking some person saying they are god but looking like an ordinary person, or someone of obviously paranormal status (lightning coming out of nose, flowers blooming in footsteps, etc.)?
Stealth god or obvious god?
Hit him with my Dawkins - God Delusion Book!
Alcohol is great truth serum.
God wouldn't need a truth serum, right? IT is the serum.
Stealth god or obvious god?
I was thinking "obvious God." But then, how could we tell the difference?
trevor, now that's an interesting proposition.
I was thinking perhaps just a cup of coffee? Just to be civil, and all that.
I'd tell her to come inside, and grant me 3 wishes
Tell him I'm not interested in what he's selling.
JH, what would be your three wishes?
daystar, are you sure you haven't already bought the goods? (Nothing personal, just an inquiry )
I'd invite him in to play Fester's Quest on my computer, if he can beat it, I'll believe he's God.
JH, what would be your three wishes?
Stay young and healthy forever
Have lots of money
Be happy