Entertaining God

by onacruse 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I'd feel compelled to ignore him and give him a taste of his own medicine!!

  • unique1

    I'd offer him a beverage and ask if he wants to play billards upstairs.

  • daystar


    daystar, are you sure you haven't already bought the goods? (Nothing personal, just an inquiry )

    LOL! My point was that for a "God" I could possibly conceive of, the scenario is impossible. There is a Buddhist saying that says it nicely, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

    The question posed is so irrational to me that I would have to assume that such an entity, even with all the bells and whistles, bright light, booming voice, I'd have to assume much, much less than "God". So my response would be "I'm not interested in what you're selling" and I'd shut the door.

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

    There is no Wizard of Oz, just a little man behind a curtain.

  • onacruse


    I'd invite him in to play Fester's Quest on my computer, if he can beat it, I'll believe he's God.

    Would it entertain Him? Or perhaps He's just a G4-cheater? JH:

    Stay young and healthy forever


    Have lots of money


    Be happy

    Again, why? Aren't these things that every "sacred" manifestation of God has offered to humankind, ever since the beginning? Ecclesiastes, for one example. Ecclesiasticus, for another. The Qu'ran, for another. The Bhaghivad-Gita, for another.

    What could IT say more than what IT has already said?

    But something as simple as a cup of coffee (or tea, as local custom might suggest), and then "Thank You for stopping by."

  • onacruse


    give him a taste of his own medicine!!

    How would you do that? unique1:

    ask if he wants to play billards upstairs.

    Who would win? daystar:

    "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

    LOL in return! I'd never heard that expression. Is that how you'd "entertain" God?

  • purplesofa

    while shaking my finger at him, Id say.......You didnt say Trick or Treat!


  • Gill

    By 'Ignoring him and giving him a taste of his own medicine', I meant that he tends to ignore everyones prayers. Can you imagine the desperate prayers that have come from Africa in the last 1000 + years. They haven't been answered except with a possible 'NO!'

  • daystar


    "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."
    LOL in return! I'd never heard that expression. Is that how you'd "entertain" God?

    The point is that it couldn't possibly be God any more than the Buddha on the road would be "the" Buddha. He most likely is trying to sell you something.

  • onacruse


    He most likely is trying to sell you something.

    Along the same lines as what purplesofa and Gill said.

    But who is selling what? and to whom?

    If I met my doppleganger at my own front door, would I shoot it with an AK-47? Or would I invite it in and try to have a conversation? Or would I (as I suggested above to Abaddon), proceed from the assumption that there was a Being separate from me, with whom I could have a real conversation.

    Perhaps that cup of coffee I'm offering is to myself!

  • JH

    I guess because I didn't get enough of it yet.

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