I always hated "We're Jehover's Witnesses" I actually started to make up an XJW version of it, as changing song lyrics to be dirty or rude is one of my favorite pastimes. I also hated "Life without end at last" because it was played at my Grandpa's memorial service and everytime I have heard it since, I tear up. (I'm such a chick) The "kiss the son, lest god be angry" one was actually my favorite, it suited my voice the best. And it always sounded dark and cryptic to me. Faded-out
Most annoying Kingdom song
by Billzfan23 73 Replies latest jw friends
Justitia Themis
Marriage Is God's Arrangement...
There's one in there somewhere about "Satan's hordes swarm around me like bees that were molested" or some such rot.
As if that weren't bad enough, it just goes on & on with the same tortured metaphor..."but I can ever beat them off..."
It's like being forced to sing the results of a 5th grade poetry contest.
White Dove
They never had that one. That must have come from another religious book. I suggest Stephen King's book, "The Birds." They do have one about Satan's birds picking off the wheatlings before they can hatch, which is very similar. I messed that one up on purpose for fun. It's a blend of two verses.
I loved the "Kiss the Son..." because it was pretty and so respectful of Jesus, which I agree with. Also, We're JWs--the worshipping wood and stone one is good for removing fear of inanimate objects. I don't fear churches or crosses anymore like they want us to (not because of this song, though).
White Dove
I must respect the one you mentioned, because it was written in a concentration camp and anyone who defied Hitler should be respected no matter their motives. It gave me strength to stand up to persecution in school, and we JW children (at the time) needed guts in school. Now, I would renounce everything in a second if my life were in danger. Jesus (might have???) died for us so we don't need to do it. Yes, I'm a wimp who has never had her life in danger for being a JW. Still growing up at 38. Aren't we all?
They never had that one. That must have come from another religious book.
Oh believe me, it's in the JW song book. It's not sung very often, but it induces cringes every time.
Somebody back me up here - you know what I mean, right? "bees that were molested"?
Amber Rose
What was that one that has the same tune as Looney Tunes song? Did they think we wouldn't notice it was the same song?
I don't remember any of them.
HAHA I remember all of those above. Does anybody remember that really awful 'The Resurrection Joy'? ...'Lazarus...COME OUT'... bloody hell that was depressing
I kind of liked the FIRM AND DETERMINED one, but there were some awful ones in there. Whatever happened to 'we live in the time of the harvest'??? Erm... hold on brothers...we dont.
And dont forget that one that sounded like the German national anthem.
Amber Rose
I confirm Sir82 is correct. Too many times have I sung about molested bees and agreed to beat them off.