Most annoying Kingdom song

by Billzfan23 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • PrimateDave

    "Be Like Jeremiah" was a pretty annoying song. I know that there were a few more I hated, but I thankfully can't remember them right now!


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I'll tell you what's annoying. Open the song book to the picture on the back cover. Look at the feet on the bearded singing dudes. Then try to determine which bearded dude is missing his feet.

    Will somone please scan this photo for all to see the great bearded dude missing feet mystery. Surely I'm not the only one to have noticed this?

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    Bless her cotton socks!!

    Ha ha ha ha. LOL. Thats funny.

  • found-my-way
    Open the song book to the picture on the back cover.

    Hahahhaha, highlight of having to sit still for 2 hours was drawing on that back cover, lol.

    I wish I kept my song book...Just the cover, I would of used the paper for kindling

    I threw it out along with the rest of the JW trash/recyclables....

  • jambon1

    Hail the theocracy, ever increasing.......I used to think - Hail the hypocrisy, ever increasing. Wondrous expansion is now taking place.

  • Nosferatu

    Myriads of Myriads of Brothers! Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy!

    ...and who could forget the dull lull of "Here I am, send me, send me"

  • Gill

    Move ahead, Move ahead to maturity,

    Blah de bump blah de bump cos there's so much work to do,

    Let your brothers de bump something bump de bump

    Forever letting your light shinE


    Love all your brothers for gods own name sake

    With them in weekly assembly partake

    And assist them good progress each day to make

    Forever letting your light shine!!!!

  • dedpoet

    They are all annoying, I don't remember any of them with affection at all.

    It would certainly annoy me to ever have to sing one again

  • aarque

    I remember a song that partly went:

    "Once with confusion our sad heart were filled/Drinking the cup that tradition distilled..."

    and the chorus went something like...

    "Take sides with Jehovah/Make him your delight/He'll never forsake you/Walk e're in his light/Tell, tell the glad tiding/Of freedom and peace..."

    People had trouble hitting the high note when singing "peace" ... it usually sounded all screechy.

    Another one I remember went something like "Be glad you nations with his people.." I think it was in the green songbook which was before the pink one.

    I remember when the pink songbooks first came out. For the service meeting, my three sisters and I were asked to sing one of the songs... about the Shulamite maiden, accompanied by piano. We sang it through, then song sheets were handed out and everyone sang it at the end of the meeting.

    For the most part, the songs were dull and boring.

    i've been to two Catholic funerals in the past month: my aunt on March 3 and uncle on April 3 (they were brother and sister) At both services (different churches) the same song was done. Part of it went: " and they raised you up on eagle's wings..." It was a beautiful song and made me cry both times.

  • Her Ladyship
    Her Ladyship
    What was that one that has the same tune as Looney Tunes song? Did they think we wouldn't notice it was the same song?

    "Dwelling together in love and unity / Looney Tunes" can be found here, courtesy of Farkel:

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