Unopened letter from my solicitor still waiting on my desk, can't bear it

by needproof 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    Aggggghhh I was sent this letter from my solicitor about a week ago now and I can't bring myself to open it.

    Around 3 years ago I had an accident at work which screwed my back up. I went to a personal injury firm who said I could get compensation.

    So I went through all of these tests, none of which were pleasant, and drove 100 miles for one test. So then the stress levels get intense, as my solicitor wanted me to get statements from other workers, none of which wanted to do it, obviously, because they were still working there.

    So after so much stress, and cutting a long story short, I just wanted to jack it all in, I really couldn't handle the stress that comes with a claim. But this solicitor kept asking me all the while to go for more and more tests, but everytime I called her office she didn't seem to be there.

    So they have sent me about 3 letters in the past 3 weeks, none of which I have opened. This latest one as a large letter and I just cant open it. I am afraid it will say 'please sign these forms to say you dont want to pursue this claim any more'... but then, I will also be relieved.

    I have tried to drink up the courage but I still cant open the damn letter.

  • purplesofa

    Don't feel badly.

    I got a card from my mom about 3 weeks ago.......and I have yet to open it for fear of whats inside.


  • needproof

    Well, I guess that's a damn site worse than mine. I have funeral instructions here for my JW Gran, now 80 years old; dare not open them because I know it will say 'I'd like a funeral at the KH'

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    The sooner you do it, the quicker you'll find out!

    emo in 'Yorkshire' mode!

    Are you on a no win no fee scheme? I'd be inclined to tell the solicitor to pull her finger out and get negotiating for a figure otherwise you will take your case elsewhere. It shouldn't take this long to settle unless the claim is being seriously disputed. She could just be dragging her feet for a big fee when you do win - and you could end up with nothing.

  • greendawn

    I thought you were in some sort of serious trouble with someone chasing you but it doesn't seem to be that way, it's just that you don't want to pursue this claim that you are making. What sort of money can you get and what sort of solicitor's fees do you expect to pay? Is it worthwhile? Is it no win no fee for her?

  • Nosferatu

    I'll open it for you! I like opening other peoples' mail. We still get mail for the people who used to live at my house. We got tired of sending it back, so now we just open it. He owes a shitload of money for child support.

  • needproof

    Hi, thanks for your comments. Yes, it's no win no fee. I couldnt believe it about a year ago when I received a letter telling me that my solicitor was going part time after the birth of her kid. Fair enough, she had a child, but she could have passed the case to somebody else.

    The company is disputing it and basically saying it was my fault - I could argue with you guys that it wasn't but either way I won't bore you with the details. Greendawn, you are right... I really should pursue it, I sound so lazy, it's only a letter.

    And Sad Emo, by gum, speaking of Yorkshire, I have a new book ready to read from one of Yorkshire's hero's, Geoff Boycott himself!

  • needproof

    lol Nosferatu! I do that also, for some reason, we always think that other people's mail is more interesting than ours...?

  • juni

    Sounds to me like your attorney is dorkin around w/you.

    I'd open it and see what is up and go from there.


    Best to you and your back problem.

  • needproof

    Thanks Juni, but I think it's screwed for life

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