Aggggghhh I was sent this letter from my solicitor about a week ago now and I can't bring myself to open it.
Around 3 years ago I had an accident at work which screwed my back up. I went to a personal injury firm who said I could get compensation.
So I went through all of these tests, none of which were pleasant, and drove 100 miles for one test. So then the stress levels get intense, as my solicitor wanted me to get statements from other workers, none of which wanted to do it, obviously, because they were still working there.
So after so much stress, and cutting a long story short, I just wanted to jack it all in, I really couldn't handle the stress that comes with a claim. But this solicitor kept asking me all the while to go for more and more tests, but everytime I called her office she didn't seem to be there.
So they have sent me about 3 letters in the past 3 weeks, none of which I have opened. This latest one as a large letter and I just cant open it. I am afraid it will say 'please sign these forms to say you dont want to pursue this claim any more'... but then, I will also be relieved.
I have tried to drink up the courage but I still cant open the damn letter.