Unopened letter from my solicitor still waiting on my desk, can't bear it

by needproof 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    That's the problem with back injuries - hard to prove whose fault it was sometimes.

    Did it involve lifting/moving things? If it did then responsibility comes down to a couple of key questions:

    1 Did your employer have a 'safe handling' procedure - including training in those procedures?

    2 Did you follow those procedures? (this is where the reluctant witnesses come in!)

    If the answers are both yes you do have a good case. If the answer to 1 is no and they haven't provided proper training where perhaps there should have been, then they've failed in their duty of care under the Health & Safety at Work Act. Looks like someone is just pussyfooting around, maybe the employer trying to bully you into dropping the case. You thought about taking them to an employment tribunal instead?

    Last question - have you opened the darned letter yet?!

    Best of luck whatever happens

  • yaddayadda

    But if you feel like jacking the whole thing in why would u be so afraid of a letter asking you to sign a form to do that very thing?

    Feel the fear and do it anyway.

  • LovesDubs

    Its like removing a bandaid...if you do it slowly its a helluva lot more painful than just RIPPING that sucker off and getting it over with!

    Have a shot of your favorite high octane beverage and just DO IT :)

  • jaguarbass

    Forget the solicitor stuff. You need yourself a New York Lawyer.

    What are you saying you have a publisher from your congregation handling your legal matters? Not cool.

    Call Gary.

  • Uzzah

    So you rather postpone the realities in order to live in fear of the unknown?

    The worst that can happen is your worst fear is the reality and you are still in the same place as you are now but with facts instead of paranoia. You can at least move forward with facts rather tthan be frozen in place by fear.

    Open the letters!!!!! It can't be any worse than what you are putting yourself through not knowing.

    Sorry if this sounds cold but ... "get on with it." Life doesn't have to be a drama.


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