Video of last night's Memorial protest at Kingdom Hall
by kool aid man06 40 Replies latest jw friends
i will look at this when I get home from work.
should be interesting.
Great video!
I remember 30 years ago outside the venue where the summer assemblies were held,there were protesters with signs similiar to this. I thought that they were crazy. Now,I know we were the crazy ones to believe the WTS.
lol I love that guy!
very good
If I were to ever protest at a memorial, it would be over the scripture that says that Christ's followers would be known for their love amongst themselves. More and more witnesses are becoming disillusioned over the cruelty, two-faced nature among JWs. That is the crack that broke the dam for many. If a sign could say that and then give them a website where they could go to learn more about this international problem, it would be a good thing. Then they could go to the websites and discover that the lack of love is just the tip of the iceberg.
It was a good video the presenter wasn't bitter at all even saying most JWs are good people. Unfortunately for him he wasted too many years with the dubs.
What pleasant music! Maybe they have a good Witness turn out for their Memorials because they want to see you guys!
Excellent video! The first time I remember seeing 'apostates' demonstrating was at one of the summer assemblies here in Toronto. We were instructed not to "even look at them" as we went by. But to this day, I remember what one of them said: "..Why did you change the Holy bible to suit your own particular doctrines?"
I'm glad it was a peaceful demonstration......maybe some of them will click on to the internet sites out of curiosity.