Video of last night's Memorial protest at Kingdom Hall

by kool aid man06 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    When an effort was made to close down the State Library and send the books to a Florida university, many of us held protests and demonstrations, wrote letters to the papers, for several weeks. Librarians, teachers and legislators and others took up the cause. I carried a sign too that said: "Save the Library." Protests can be effective. It made the public aware of what was going on. We fought and the Library was not closed! Had no one done anything, it would have been closed a long time ago.

    In the case of protesting at a Kingdom Hall or convention, you may not reach JWs but you may reach some one who is not.

  • Highlander

    I find it interesting how the j-dubs can criticize another person's religion, attempt to undermine their beliefs and do this in the name of 'preaching'

    Then when a person criticizes the j-dubs and presents factual information into the j-dub belief system, it is then called persecution and anyone involved is

    a crazy, rabid apostate.

    I for one think that it's great to see a group such as this perform a well behaved 'protest' that is presenting websites that will allow any j-dub to quietly

    research for himself. Each one should make the truth their own right? Well, let's give the j-dubs this opportunity. If they really have the 'truth', then why would the wt worry? hehe.

    For those that are against these protests, I do agree that if it's a poorly behaved protest then the effect can be poor. I'll tell you though,,, back in the 80s, they had the protest signs

    with phone numbers for any j-dub to call. I didn't call(though I was very tempted),,, however if there had been a website for me to visit during that time I most definitely would have

    visited the webpages and probably gotten out of this cult a lot sooner. I probably never would have been baptized if I had seen the websites that we have now.

    I applaud this group of people and any others have the courage to speak out.

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    I do hope that this type of activity helps the protesters in getting over the pain they feel from WTS.

    As for me, I have already spent the lion's share of my life serving and sacrificing for the WTS.

    Now I cannot commit my remaining days working against them.

    If there is indeed a just god, he will handle the matter.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    proplog2 : how did you end up here on jwd 6 years ago.? someone BLEW THE WHISTILE. AND YOUR STILL HERE. say what you want but what made you look for this place? and other x jw sites? every x jw does their part. in what everway suits them. some do none. i have no taste for Simon the founder of this board. but i love what he has done for x jw's. so your point is moot. if this guy helps one jw out he's done his job. unless you don't like EXPOSING THE WT? make up your mind. john

  • rebel8

    "Nobody really cares. Nobody."

    That is a sweeping statement. How do you know? I believe some people are educated by protests like that. When I was a dub teen--granted I would have been skeptical--I would have looked up Greber if I saw that protest.

    Or maybe it is the protesters themselves who are helped by their actions. That has value in and of itself.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings proplog2,

    I care! I'm elated at the fact that those people took the time to protest. Reason: I know many in that particular hall. Little, if any, attention was probably given to the speaker and his worn out watchtower "memorial" outline. That, in and of itself is good enough for me.


  • Junction-Guy

    It takes me awhile to load youtubes and videos, so I will check this out later when I have more time.

    I have a few comments-- I support their picketing, and I applaud him for his efforts.

    I wish I could have been there.

    To dawg: how in the world can you not see a difference between christianity and JW's? the difference is like daylight and dark.

    This Cult has destroyed many people and tore up many families

    As for their persection complex, I say the hell with their persecution complex, they are ruining children and if they get offended or feel persecuted, thats just too damn bad.

    They nearly ruined me, and Im still trying to repair the damage that was done.

    I long for the day to turn on CNN or FOX and see mass protests against the JW Cult.

  • Gayle

    I commend them,,I think getting those signs showing websites (even if they didn't see it clearly) may catch an eye for someone to get their search engines going. I don't think the majority will, of course, but some of the studies, some of the faders, hopefully one of the youth.

  • Jim_TX

    I watched this fellas' video... he is a good speaker. Not biased sounding - just stating facts as he believes them.

    I am not sure how much affect protesting would have - perhaps if it were nation-wide, but in one or two locations... not too much affect.

    The greatest affect would be on those who might be visiting for the first time - non-jws - or those who have faded or are considered 'weak' - and only go to the kingdom hall one time per year - on the memorial. They would not be as likely to look away - but to actually slow down to read the signs.

    Just my thoughts...


    Jim TX

  • bebu

    Those signs were not cheap, and they made sure that internet sites were prominent. Those guys put their money where their mouth is and they deserve credit.

    More power to them!


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