I'll admit it. I like compliments. But they have to be original and sincere. However that only gets a foot in the door....
Women Fall In Love With What They Hear.......
by new boy 23 Replies latest social relationships
Women would rather have beauty instead of brains, because most men see better than they think.
I think there has to be some physical attraction but I also believe the older you get the more you know what you are looking for
Everyone wants to meet someone who says and does everything right but that just don't happen. Women have been put down for thousands
of years and when they get a guy who treats them right I think looks are not that important then but still there must be some attraction.
Your premise is entirely true, imo....but with needed extrapolation:
Evolutionary drives dictate that women must "listen" for what will make a potential specimen a good hunter/protector/provider to herself and any offspring that could issue from a union. As we humans raise our young for a comparatively long period of time, it is simply more advantageous for the female to seek a mate who will be there for the long-haul--though she can do it by herself, it takes precious time/resources spent in the male role when she could be performing more of the nurturing role.
Men are very visually driven because their drive is to seek a specimen that will make good breeding material. Physical attraction comes down to how good and therefore "mateable" will this specimen make my offspring therefore, potentially placing my genes in a better "bargaining" position for as far into the future as possible. Males are also driven to inseminate as often and with as various partners as possible...again to get his genes as far into the future and dominant as possible.
All of this "animal" stuff, imo is tempered with our higher selves to make a fairly suitable concoction that we know as the human sexual experience. We are not just our bodies, thankfully but dayum, evolution makes me hot! LOL!!
It's true...it was mentioned by Gerritt Losch of the governing body on a morning warship program about 8 years ago.
In general I think so. And not just what they hear, sometimes what they read.
First of all, I rarely see a man that just does it for me.
The older I have gotten, a man does not look great to me until I get to know him. So, yes I agree, women fall in love with what they hear. I do. But I am gulliable in some ways.
For a fact, men go by looks......Real men don't.
The best men know how to make a woman anyway he wants her to be and look, by the way he talks to her.
I think it's just another generalization that is going to seem true in enough cases for people to point the finger and say, see! Just like the daily horoscope.
I've seen women who were actually quite homely, but had the ability to flatter men. They were never short of admirers. Men are VERY susceptible to flattery. We all like what makes us feel good.
Cellist -
Assuming other important qualities are present, flattery will get a man everywhere. ;-)
People may not remember what you say, but they remember how you make them feel. That's applicable to both sexes.