Women Fall In Love With What They Hear.......

by new boy 23 Replies latest social relationships

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    " Women Fall In Love With What They Hear....... Apr 5, 2007
    Men in what they see..............true or false? "

    It just depends on the personality as much the sex. People are socialized in many different ways, often based on their sex and this helps shape and reinforce the personality traits of which you speak. The generalizations you're making won't always apply to either sex, depending on the culture and the time.

    Men and women are more alike than different, and finding the common ground and focusing on that is far more important than focusing on such dichotomizing stereotypes (and thereby choosing to accept and to reinforce them).

    "Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Get used to it."

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    People often fall in love with both what they hear and see. How we interpret and respond to what we see and hear facilitates the evolutionary drive to reproduce.

    The statement about falling in love with what one sees or with what one hears is easy to generalize as usually true for both men and women.

    Believing what we want and hearing what we want - despite evidence that clearly points to other possibilities - such as when one's loved one is very abusive or neglectful or exploitive and not loving - is a common human failing, not limited to women, Outlaw. I too "can't count" the number of males I've seen locked into lousy relationships with women who were clearly exploitive and/or abusive rather than loving.

    It happens because people are people with human failings and human needs.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    However, studies have shown that men are generally far less discriminating and far more promiscuous than women. This also likely has some very obvious sex-based evolutionary functions - functions with results that seriously piss off a lot of people - mostly women, I daresay!

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    In any event, there's no good reason to use science to promote or excuse bad behaviour that one knows is hurtful to another person and sexism is hurtful to both sexes and it goes both ways.

    If it would hurt your partner's feelings for you to fool around and if you've both agreed to a monogamous relationship, there really isn't much of an excuse for going back on the promises you both made, regardless of what evolutionary science and other research in social science suggests about male or female evolutionary proclivites.

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