I did NOT refuse bloood

by zack 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • zack

    I took ill the morning after the Memorial (my wife and I both attended.) I was taken to the hospital. We arrived about 30 minutes after first symptoms. The EMS guys were at my house in

    a flash and we live very close to the hospital. The attending physician thought it may have

    been an arterial rupture (due to my sudden loss in blood pressure and my abdominal swelling), appendicitis, etc... They were ruling things out, the EKG looked normal, etc... It happened

    very fast. I was not in good shape. I do not recall ever feeling so badly. They

    asked for me to sign medical consent forms as they were taking me to the radiology dept. for imaging of my internal organs. I signed and specificcally wrote in that I would accept

    medical treatment involving the use of blood or blood products. I did this because i had a NO BLOOD directive in my wallet. My wife was not with me at the time.

    Long story short, I was alright. My insides looked perfect. I had experienced a very rare side effect from a medication I had been taking.

    At the hospital, after I was brought back from imaging and before the docs cleared me, my wife asked me if "they" had asked me to sign anything. I did not lie to her.

    I told her how it went and what I wanted and why. The fallen look on her face told me that my decision was more devastating to her than my possible condition.

    Prior to this happening, I had already made up my mind not to refuse blood treatment because it was all based on a series of lies. My wife and I had discussed

    my feelings about certain doctrines and org. in general, my resigning as an elder, the fade, etc... But this one was it, I think. I never saw her so disappointed. She told me that

    I would have to appoint some other person as my health care proxy since she could not tell the doctors to treat me with blood under ANY circumstances. AND she was

    going to appoint someone other than me ( her faithful husband of many years) as her health care proxy. This was not the ideal time and place to be having

    that discussion, but I am glad we had it. As to my feelings about it, well, I'm posting aren't I?

  • avidbiblereader

    Good to see you posting this morning Zack, best to have a TRIAL run like this and find out where everyone is on the page then the real deal. I hope it all works out for you and the Mrs.


  • IP_SEC

    very good for you zack. Im glad you're ok. you made a couragous decision and stuck to it. good! Im even prouder of you that you didnt hide it from your wife.

  • Crumpet
    I told her how it went and what I wanted and why. The fallen look on her face told me that my decision was more devastating to her than my possible condition.

    That must be quite devastating for you too although not unexpected. So what is your wife's stance - does she attend full time ?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Zack - It is good to get this one aired before it becomes a life/death situation. Sorry that your wife is taking such a hard stance.

    One suggestion - Shred the 'Blood card' before you get into another situation like that one. You might be out and they would be obligated to follow the card likely. Then, go to the hospital and doctors you use, asking them to remove any notations on the computer records of your previous 'no blood' position - this has creeped up before and some have had an issue. Take no chances. If they have old documents and orders with your signature, it could be complicated in an emergency, especially if your wife continues to have the opposite view.

    Good luck


  • carla

    I'm glad you are well!! Here is yet another example of what the wt can do to a marriage. It is a hard pill to swallow to think my jw would rather see me dead than accept blood. Though never being a jw he may view it differently. I really have got to get my butt in gear make something legal re my own health. I can harldy comprehend your wifes reaction, so sad.

  • juni

    As the others have said Zack, it's good you had this "trial" run w/the blood issue. I hope for the best w/your wife - dang religion. That was some side affect from your medication. I know it's always a trade-off when taking meds. At least you got your self checked out and you're healthy. That's great news!



  • Emma

    I'm glad you're OK and that you made the decision you did. I experienced significant blood loss this fall and in the ER made sure I wrote on the form that I had no objections to any type of treatment using blood and asked that it be put in the computer immediately; I later signed a consent form though thankfully didn't have to use it.

    Though you would have chosen a different time for this discussion I think you handled it quite well.

  • zack

    Hi all. And thanks. My wife attends full time. She was reg. pioneer for 6 years when we met. I reg. pioneered and was an elder. Pioneer school is what crystallized all

    the doubts for me. It was my moment of clarity.

    Most of her family are JW and so are mine. She attends and beleives but has managed a migraine on a meeting night for two weeks in a row. She is quite often late to meetings.

    I understand what she's feeling to a large extent because I not too long ago would have felt that anyone that doubted the Org. was doomed. As for the blood card, well, let's just say it isn't

    in my wallet.

  • juni
    Pioneer school is what crystallized all

    the doubts for me. It was my moment of clarity.

    Hi again Zack!

    Can you explain the catalyst? I feel for you w/all of the JW relatives. That has to be tough. Hmmmm......she's late for meetings? We were always told that if we did this we were not showing proper respect for Jehovah's prepared spiritual meals.

    I'd break my neck to get all 4 kiddies ready to be there on time. And then they started w/ the "rule" that MSs and elders should be there 15 min. early before the mtgs. to greet, etc. etc. That really added the pressure cause we had only one car.

    Thanks for explaining.


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