What Subject Did You HATE Hearing About At The Meetings?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've given the Memorial talks a number of times. I thought they were quite boring. I picked all my own outlines. About 25 plus. plus, I was considered a very good speaker, as I was not boring.

  • nvrgnbk

    The Service Meeting was the worst. How many times do we have to review recruitment tactics? I think I fell into a coma during the Service Meeting several times. LOL! I liked the Watchtower Study cause I conducted it and tried to put a kinder, gentler spin on the propaganda.


    I picked all my own outlines. About 25 plus.

    I had ALL the outlines prepared minimus. I had given about 70 different ones, by the time I was 32. I hope it doesn't sound like bragging. Just want you to know that "the force was strong with this one." LOL!

  • Dismembered

    Types & Anti-Types.


  • Nosferatu

    Witnessing at school! Like these idiots thought witnessing at school is easy, and the "persecution" wasn't all that bad. I lived it, and I hated it.

  • xjwms

    How to raise children ...... and parenting



  • jelcat8224

    OMG! My cong always had a problem with meeting attendance so I got REAL tired of listening to why we should always be there and what were 'acceptable' reasons for not being at the meetings! The public talk was also a form of torture bcuz it always seemed to be about five hours long!

  • love2Bworldly

    The date 1914, I still remember when I was first studying the Truth book and my study conductor explaining to me how the JWs arrive at 1914--she was 18 and I was 12. It never made any sense to me, and I would just tune it out.

    I also just in general tuned out all the prophetic BS about the Gentile Times, etc etc.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Masturbation....Oh please!!!!!!

  • Crumpet
    Minimus, did you find any public talks boring to give? I sure did, they must have been torture to listen to lol

    LMAO @ Trev - someone is on top form this afternoon!

    a few pairs of shoes

    free2think - I think we both know that is a GROSS underestimation!

  • minimus

    It was really bad when the brother giving a talk on family life wasn't even married!

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