What Subject Did You HATE Hearing About At The Meetings?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    It was stupid too, for men who rarely went preaching to exhort the others as to how impotant it is.

  • reneeisorym

    pornography ...

  • MinisterAmos

    I listened to a newly minted, 26 y/o Elder who spent 8 years at Bethel explain why everyone should submit to his greater wisdom. Left Mom and Dad's house at 18, shows up at my hall after getting the bump from Bethel, and expects to be revered?

    Come back in 20 years when you have a job, a mortgage, some kids; you know, some EXPERIENCE?

    I find this sort of thing to be just beyond any semblance of reality.

  • nvrgnbk
    "As to how long people spend on the act, it's anyone's guess. I never asked anyone that lol" Sounds like it's time for a poll to be taken.


  • minimus

    Our PO used to use most local needs to discuss how we can contribute more $$$$$$ to the local KH and Society perks. Same thing for months. The BOE complained about it and the PO still did it the next month. (I guess he liked that subject).

  • M.J.

    Whenever "bible study" breaks down to an out-and-out advertisement for the WTS/JWs. So I guess the challenge is to find when this DOESN'T happen.

  • minimus

    MJ, that's always!

  • Abandoned

    I hated the disguised begging, usually done by the co. It bothered the hell out of me. Why would god need to resort to begging if he was capable of motivating everyone in the congregation's heart? It seemed to me that money shouldn't have ever needed to be mentioned if the guy running the entire universe was really in charge.

  • Tuesday

    There was always the talks that were about grooming, always mentioning how men should not have long hair or beards.

    When the DO came to the congregation I always hated hearing the special needs talk. It wasn't until later when I was fascinated by the idea of someone getting ranked in their spirituality, I mean the whole congregation was ranked. Any former DO's out there that can give us the formula that equates a congregation's spirituality?

  • JH

    I loved hearing about prophecy, earthquakes, wars, pestilence, famine and so on...

    I didn't like when they talked about what we should or shouldn't do with our spare time.

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