Isn't interesting to see that God killed a hell a lot of people in the Bible compared to the tiny amount Satan killed
What if it was Satan who is the good and not God?
Who killed more people "God or Satan"
by Nicolas 18 Replies latest jw friends
Perhaps they are one and the same..........
But satan is reponsible for the billions of deaths resulting in dis-o-bee-de-ance.
good find by the way
I have not read the answers previous to this.
People have killed more people than "god" and "satan" combined. When it comes to losing my life, I am more concerned about other people than "god" or "satan."
Mile 0
Actually, the bible doesn't have God or Satan personally doing much killing, although the credit was given for the outcome of - for example - any battle the Israelites had with a neighbor. If they won, God "delivered" the enemy into their hands. If they lost, usually it was because God was choked at them for some violation or their attitude or whatever. Regardless, God is given the credit. And since the bible has "God" winning more battles than "Satan", then I'd have to say that "God" has the bigger numbers.
Mile 0
darth frosty
Actually someone on here had posted a running tally of how many deaths were atributed to god and satan. I believe the poster was auldsoul, but I am not certain.
Everything seems to be made to die, animals,bugs, humans, trees. So who made us???
Ken P.
The Lone Ranger
thats a question that is too stupid to even consider, I think a problem that many have here is that they are so full of hate at the WTS that they take is out on God.
God in the OT is a genocidal ethic cleansing maniac with a sickening fetish for blood and guts
I think a problem that many have here is that they are so full of hate at the WTS that they take is out on God.
I for one, can't believe in the god concept, since I left the watchliar society. Why? Because I was able to look at the whole picture, do a lot of research, and come to the conclusion that the concept of god/satan, black/white, heaven/hell, just doesn't make any sort of sound sense. However, to each their own, and those that feel comfortable believing in god are well within their rights to do so.