Let the puke flow, indeed. This must be the day for me to pull out my very early writings as I was coming out of the JW mental coma. Here's an excerpt...
At 38 years of age and having lived as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses my entire life, I came to believe that the only way to be found acceptable by God is to be a dedicated, baptized member of this organization. While this is a teaching of the organization, it is also true that the Watchtower Society definitely stresses the need to “make the Truth your own.” When non JWs would ask me, “So do you believe that only Jehovah’s Witnesses will get into God’s Kingdom?” I would answer in a typically diplomatic fashion.
“Only God knows who he will and will not allow into His kingdom; that decision certainly isn’t up to us. We do recognize though that He does not accept just any form of worship. We also know that the Bible teaches the road to life is ‘narrow and cramped and few would be finding it,’ while the road to destruction would be ‘broad and spacious and many would be finding it.’ So it’s reasonable to believe that most people are not on that road to life, and it’s probably unreasonable to think that a religion is the right one simply because so many people are members.” So, while we craft an answer that we hope will result in less controversy, the truth is—yes, Jehovah’s Witnesses do in fact believe that (among those living today) only those in this organization will enter God’s Kingdom.