I like cheese.
ANOTHER 200 Scientists Document Global Climate Change - Yo Deniers!
by Seeker4 68 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for posting this, I am furious the media continues quoting some Moron that owns a major coal mine. He keeps calling Gore's info as "Global Goofiness".
How people continue to deny what is going on is beyond me.
(Waiting for the Hurricanes this year!)
(Waiting for the Hurricanes this year!)
I'm waiting for the Big-A this year! I can't wait!
................is it really possible that mankind, especially u.s. of america (one of the largest contributers to atmosphere pollution according to those "200" scientists), in just, say since ww2 ( before every family had 3 cars in the drive, 2 atv's in the garage, 1 boat at the lake) has caused the global climate to change........what about the "dust bowl days" in america?
what about all the other times in the history of earth that the climate has changed.....ice ages.....thawing out process...warming up...cooling down........dinasaurs dieing out....seas changing to desserts......all before henry ford started making f-150's....excursions...explorers......
toyota was putting 380 horse power engines in pick ups......nissan pick ups could beat a chevrolet silverado.......
in my very humble opinion, i think it a little self indulgent that humans think that they by anything they do, could change the climate, weather, cause global warming......in a universe as big as ours.....on a planet such as ours.....that has gone thru as many climatic changes as our planet has. don't get me wrong, i'm sure that we as gas consuming, consumers of all things material,do have an impact on the environment we live in....especially the cities.....i just don't accept the fact that we are causing "global warming"...
I'm familiar with Crichton's novel.
Let's see. As much as I respect Crichton, and I do, I have to say that the conclusions of thousands of scientists who are experts in the field, conclusions they have come to AFTER Crichton's novel came out, based on the rapidly increasing data on the subject, leads me to believe that we ought to get our heads out of our asses and take this climate change thing a bit more seriously.
I too, await Hurricane season this year. I'm in South Florida and I just know it's going to be a killer. I don't know how many more my house can take. We had 2 Cat. 3's 2 years ago and the house has some structural damage, I'm sure!
I "believe" in Global warming. This is all Bible prophecy leading up to the great tribulation, or "Jacobs''s trouble! " Now there are NO BEES for pollination, so by next year the crops will suffer (Food shortages). Everything is falling into place. Won't be long now. Maybe not in my lifetime (I'm 57) but it will happen.
"They've been brainwashing us for 20 years," Gray says. "Starting with the nuclear winter and now with the global warming. This scare will also run its course. In 15-20 years, we'll look back and see what a hoax this was."
http://www.denverpost.com/harsanyi/ci_3899807I really hope so, global warming or not... Pollution is Pollution... we will revisit this post in 15-20 years.
There is global warming. Period. Are we respossible or going to be able to stop it? No.
Who of us caused the last ice age? Who of us got us out of the LAST ice age?
Why do some people always have to asign blame?
Instead of spinning our fruitless wheels, trying to STOP the warming, why don't we spend the resources on how to deal with it in the future.
By the way... maybe the Egyptian forests will return as they were 3000/2000 years ago. And who screwed up then with their greenhouse gasses, making Egypt what it is today... a sand lot?
are we talking human time scales or geological time?
The wanderer
Dear Seeker4:
I am a subscriber to World Watch, I was
wondering if you are and what do you
think of organizations such as
The Wanderer