SixofNine Wrote:
>First text box you see when you open the link , "Climate Change 2007", hit "play" and there it is.
dilaceratus Wrote:
I hope SixofNine's clarification was not too complicated-- I thought including the instruction "press Play" seemed unnecessarily demeaning, like suggesting you first power up your computer, launch a browser, and connect to the Internet before attempting to access the IPCC website, but it seems not. I certainly hope the instructions for liquid waste removal are printed on the dorsal side of your boots, or you may find yourself similarly embarrassed in the future.
rassillon replies:
SixofNine, that isn't a text box, it is a flash movie. I did not have flash installed at the time I replied because it was a machine I was in the middle of reloading, So I wouldn't have seen it.
dilaceratus, I really doubt that you feel any instruction that you feel is demeaning is unnecessary. It appears to me that you prefer to try to demean than try to understand the possibilities which can explain differences of perception. I can assure you that I have no need to feel embarrassed although I have never had the need to remove liquid waste from my boots, I guess you or someone else has a tendency to piss in yours, thus the need for the instruction.
Back to the matter at hand:
dilaceratus, I initially started posting on this topic to try a bit an levity. Something I don't know if you understand. You try to insist otherwise but let me assure you, you do not know me and you have no idea what I am like or what I meant. I usually do not have time to post novels such as some do and therefore in matters like this I prefer to not get to serious especially because
1.) Most peoples viewpoints on political and other such matters are more emotional and therefore they are less rational.
2.) Arguing on an internet message board is akin to competing in the special olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.
I will try to explain my position on this point and "why" I hold that position in spite of what the media puts forth.
Several facts about me, or who I have dealings with I should say,
I have several friends who either work for the U.N. or have family which does. some who are at relatively high positions. I have had occasion to discuss different subjects with them from time to time and their POV differs with that of the public and media.
I have worked with and have several friends who are scientific researchers (the kind of people who write the reports which the IPCC is based on). I have found and been personally told that for several reasons test and research data is discarded if it does not agree with the overall direction of the research. If I remember correctly (I am going from memory here) an example of this is VIOXX a pain medicine which had the minor side effect of causing heart attacks. Medical researchers are not who I have had experience with, but when asking the researchers who I do know they said that pressure to have results and that results to agree with the currently accepted "scientific" viewpoint is high because funding is based on results and it is much easier to get extended funding or new funding if you had successful research, that is you prove what you set out to prove.
Because of my relationships I have also been able to see into the peer review process. I claim to be no expert but I do know a couple of things. Usually being published in a peer review journal is an important step in acquiring funding for research or additional research. Getting something published which does not flow with the current "scientific" viewpoint is difficult. The current "scientific" viewpoint is that much of Global warming is anthropogenic in nature. Thus a researcher would have a much higher chance of getting funding if they submitted a report which agreed with the viewpoint that humans cause global warming.
This leads to the IPCC report, the body of information which they have to pull from is overwhelmingly biased "in my opinion". They have the freedom to pick and choose WHICH research they choose and which to ignore. Their whole existence is based on the presumption that Global Warming has an overwhelming human cause. If they published a report which gave them no reason to exist what would they do? If they published a report which stated humans were not the cause then it would be seen as spending millions and millions of dollars on a wrong assumption.
Would you allow a doctor give you a lobotomy if he was 90% sure that would cure you?
So you see, with only a modicum of deduction I could have told you what the IPCC report was going to say without reading it.
I base my viewpoints on many things that I have personally seen and discussed with people that have insight on the matter. I do not expect you to take my word for it because I do not take others words for things in general, especially people from a message board.
If you believe that the forces behind the IPCC and the Global Warming coverage are all altruistic, I suggest you pause and think and try to peek behind the curtain for you are sorely mistaken.
In conclusion, I have tried to state the reasons why I take my stand on matters. dilaceratus, you seem as though you want to argue about this and that you feel you are 100% right. I cannot stop you from feeling that way nor do I desire to, I don't wish to argue about these things on a MB because it truly is retarded. You come across deliberately or not as a pompous ass, maybe you are just young and the reality has not given you a good ass whoopin' yet, at least you feel confident. Pride is before a fall.
I will state that I more so than those who I know personally claim to believe in the anthropogenic cause for GW am conservative in energy usage. I use energy saving light bulbs, have a fuel effecient car, recycle, motion sensor lights and timers on lights, etc etc,,,,, I also hope to buy a diesel car and start making bio-diesel. I do this not because of global of warming but because of conversation of resources which is a much bigger problem.
I suggest others do the same.
I will not post further on this thread. dialceratus, feel free to have the last post.