Who here are basically athiest now???

by What-A-Coincidence 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    I believe there is something more no one really knows.

    We can be sure of that Hambeak!


  • CyrusThePersian

    While we are doing quotes...

    "I don't believe in God for the same reason I don't believe in Mother Goose." -Clarence Darrow

    To me, it's a perfectly tenable position to say that the God idea is self-evidently ridiculous just like Darrow said. Christians instantly disregard the notion that Thor or Zeus or Mother Goose or Santa Claus are real and not just figments of the imagination, so why can't we regard the Christian God the same way? After all, what evidence do you have that Jehovah created the earth and not Zeus? or Zoroaster? or the tribal gods of the Choctaw Indians?

    So basically, I'm an atheist because no more evidence supports the Christian god than supports any other man-made diety. There is actually no evidence that a god-as portrayed by any religion-exists.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    While we are on the subject can someone
    explain to me, "What exactly is an atheist?"

    I am not trying to be funny or sarcastic,
    but I would like to know what are the held
    "beliefs" if any?


    The Wanderer

  • nvrgnbk
    There is actually no evidence that a god-as portrayed by any religion-exists.

    Exactly cyrus! Thanks for your devastatingly logical thoughts.


  • CyrusThePersian
    Exactly cyrus! Thanks for your devastatingly logical thoughts

    Thanks! I appreciate that!

    While we are on the subject can someone
    explain to me, "What exactly is an atheist?"

    "Atheist" basically means "without god". Atheism carries with it no creeds or belief systems. As such, an atheist sees no need to appease a non-existant god and can feel free to to choose his or her own goals for a satisfying life. To me, atheism means freedom of thought which, IMHO, is very positive and desirable.


  • nvrgnbk

    "Atheist" basically means "without god". Atheism carries with it no creeds or belief systems. As such, an atheist sees no need to appease a non-existant god and can feel free to to choose his or her own goals for a satisfying life. To me, atheism means freedom of thought which, IMHO,are very positive and desirable.


    Beautiful definition Cyrus!


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Okay, Cyrus:

    I see your perspective on the matter.

    Thank you.

    The Wanderer

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Count me in. And ditto on the proper defintion of atheist. As I've posted before, theist= someone who worships a certain god or gods, a-theist is just the negation of that. Somone who does not worship a god or certain gods. This does not imply the belief that there cannot be gods. A distinct difference. And a difference that many theists will not grant us the right to have. They view the atheist position as actively working against them when in reality, it is a neutral position. If a creator god were to manifest itself to me in some unmistakeable way, I would do what it wants. I do not shut my mind to the possibility that a god or gods exist.

    I like the thought shared by Dawkins (I think it is him). He reasons along the lines that everybody is an atheist. Christians are atheists when it comes to the belief in Thor, for instance. We would just apply our belief system to one god further.

  • Gregor

    I'm an atheist, by God, and proud of it!

    By the way, it's not the burden of atheists to prove there is no god. Rather, it is the burden of god-believers to prove there is. The key word is "prove". So far, believers haven't been able to bring anything to the table that has as much weight as a very tiny piece of goose down.

  • kwintestal

    Hi. Me!

    Kwin (ex-microphone handler)

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