hey Linda,
Wow, Trev is spreading the good word isn't he?
I think the support and good spirits you are in are going to help you immensely. And the pot too!!!!
by fullofdoubtnow 36 Replies latest jw friends
hey Linda,
Wow, Trev is spreading the good word isn't he?
I think the support and good spirits you are in are going to help you immensely. And the pot too!!!!
Awful good to hear from you, fullofdoubtnow. Take care and take it easy. Great to hear your neighbours rallying to your side.
As for the chemo, this too will pass.
Hi purps,
Trev is spreading the good word isn't he?
Yes, both of us are. I somehow don't think the jws will ever have any success in this block, or the one next door. We try to keep all our neighbours well-informed about the watchtower. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them know more about the wts than some jws do!
And yes, the pot is helping, as well as being a fun way to get over nausea symptoms!
Badboy, I hope you keep your neighbours informed about the jws as well.
Actually, I don't inform them.
Hi jgnat,
It's lovely to be here posting on the board, I miss you all when I'm not able to do so.
As for the chemo, it's early days yet, but I am trying to stay positive. I know I will feel rough on treatment days, so I am going to try and make the most of days when I feel reasonably well.
. What got me was how they hesitated before they admitted they were jws. I thought they were supposed to be proud to bear jehovahs name?In reality they are NOT 'Jehovah's witnesess' They are "Watchtower Witnesses"
In reality they are NOT 'Jehovah's witnesess' They are "Watchtower Witnesses"
That's right Tophat.
They may call themselves jehovahs witnesses, but if jehovah does exist, I doubt he has much pride in the way they represent his name. We wondered if they were hesitant to admit what they are, though they did do eventually, as they had a good idea of how they would be treated. I doubt that even they are stupid enough to think that we wouldn't have informed our neighbours about them.
Hello Linda -
Nice experience. Maybe you could convince the entire building to keep them out?
Glad to see that you are feeling pretty well today, and the cannibas is helping. Never smoked any myself.
Hi Linda,
I'm glad to hear that you are taking the chemo treatments in stride. Your positive attitude in a difficult situation is an inspiration to me.
I did not post on your well-wishers' threads because, well, you don't know me from "Adam's housecat"! So, I was unsure as to what benefit my expressions of comfort and hope would have for you. Yet, I do wish you well and add my focus to the channel of positive energy flowing your way!
Regarding your post-treatment fatigue: have you considered or tried fresh wheatgrass juice? I discovered (for myself... although it is well-documented by researchers/practitioners) its invigorating properties quite serendipitously: I harvested the fast-growing wheatgrass that sprouted from the unground grains in my snailkeeping enclosures. I was cutting down so much - so frequently - that I decided to put it to use and... juice it! It gives an almost immediate boost of energy, and even a slight feeling of euphoria - a bit drug-like (upper), really!
It does require special handling to extract the juice efficiently (a normal fruit/veg juicer won't do: [I read that] the rapidly oscillating blades encourage rapid a oxidation which destroys the healthful properties of its chlorofyll. I've just been experimenting with it until now, so haven't invested in a proper juicer (rather expensive!), just using a table-clamped, hand-turned extractor.
You might find some at a local health food shop, just to sample it. The fresher, the better... in fact try to have the juice extracted while you wait, in order to experience its undiluted properties.
Best of luck to you, and strength!
Hi Jeff,
Maybe you could convince the entire building to keep them out?
We'd like to. It seems that Steve in the flat above won't let them in again anyway. They'll probably be spouting tales of persecution now at their service meeting on Tuesday night lol!
I hadn't used cannabis since I was 21, and I'm 48 in just over a week' I smoked it in my teens and early 20's for enjoyment, but it's purely for medicinal purposes now honest, though I admit have enjoyed it.