Our Neighbours are learning!

by fullofdoubtnow 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Oh, man, I would have been rolling on the floor. If I knew who they were I'd want to tell them to keep trying your building to provide you with more comedy - humor is a good healer! In fact I remember how pot made one giggly - might be fun to burn one and watch Monty Python's "Life of Brian" Wish you the best through your chemo. flipper

  • LittleToe

    ROFL - that's a cracking story!

    Glad to hear you've found a way to combat the post-Chemo nausea. Pharmakia has its uses, huh?

  • Abandoned

    That's hilarious. Good for Steve.

  • BR25

    I am a former JW and I just joined this site. I dont really understand everyones opinions on here like this topic. Not everyone agrees with jws, but that doesnt mean there has to be a lack of disrespect. Everyone is poking fun of what the neighbor guy said using foul language so how religious does that make you? If you are athiest I guess it dont matter but if your are from a religion you shouldnt be disrespectful. I havent been to the hall in about 6 years are so, but even so noone elses beliefs really make a whole lot of sense either. I have been reading comments on here for a while, and few people on here really give informative comebacks on here. Most of it is made up sarcastic stuff that has no significant backing. Sorta like holidays

  • JWdaughter

    Linda, thanks for sharing the story. Glad to hear you are up and about and doing ok. I hope you are feeling the hugs from Western Washington. We love you, friend! ((((((Linda)))))) ((((((Trev))))))

    JWs haven't stopped by here in years. They are onto me!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great story, good point about being proud to be witnesses for Jehovah.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi BR25, and welcome to the forum

    Not everyone agrees with jws, but that doesnt mean there has to be a lack of disrespect

    I assume you meant respect here, there is certainly no lack of disrespect for the jws in this house! We are both atheists, but we do respect other religions apart from the jws. They have done nothing to earn our respect, and therefore don't receive it.

    As for having a laugh at their expense, we both endured enough misery while in their organisation, so if we get the opportunity to laugh at their misfortunes, we invariably take it.


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