Blondie - That is why I believe that Jw's [and others so enculted] are so quickly able to absorb changes and move forward.
The '1935 problem' was, in a sense, a community dissonance. Most individual Jw's are basically unclear on the unpinnings of the organization to begin with, IMO. Once the corporate mentality has dealt with the disonance that has arisen, the R&F feel no personal obligation to do anything more.
Jw's have made the 'Organization is the Truth' concept the primary driver for all matters. The more I see them ignore the changes, the more I become convinced that they are submitting to a corporate conscience unwittingly. Truth then becomes supple and flexible in nature in the mind, rather than fixed and hardset. Hence, the ability to hold to such a foolish concept as 'current truth'.
It becomes tantamount to the worker in a corporation. He feels little concern about the corporate lies, liabilities, and footprint it creates to the outside. His interest remains focused on the carrot dangled each week in his paycheck.
Unfortunately, I believe the Brooklyn management understands this all too well. They could likely, with time and careful manipulation, erase and change even the basic core doctrines [hellfire, trinity, soul-sleep] without much consternation. The dropping of a doctrine like 1935, which was tremendously important to me when I was 'in', and lead me 5 years ago to begin to question the organization, is of little importance to the basic corporate robot.
I believe the basic lack of personal disonance to be a real problem for most of the Jw's. They simply leave 'truth' and it's definition, in the hands of the corporation as too big for them to consider as right or wrong, they just go along.
That might not have made sense to anyone but me.