GOVERNING BODY member Carey Barber dies.

by yesidid 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I wac, gave a talk with C. Barber ... he gave a talk in a spanish congregation and I translated for him. He read from his outline in english and I read it from the spanish one. Definately no Holy Spirit there.

  • blondie

    Actually, the GB as we know it today did not come into existence until 1971. Before that the president of the WTS controlled things, Russell, then Rutherford, then Knorr. But as I said the ideas of the WTS have a life of their own and no longer depend on any one person which is why I feel the WTS will exist long after the last GB member dies. The Legal Department will be controlling things just as they do know.


  • Sunspot

    My wife and I met him at a CA back '93? or so. He gave a talk at the assembly hall in Henrietta, NY. We met him after the program. I remember he asked my wife if she was baptized. When she answered "no" he repiled quite gruffly "Better make it quick!"

    I am an hour away from there....and I attended all the special assemblies and assemblies there in W Henrietta until I must have met him (heard him speak) but dd not recall the name! (My bad)

    I would love to be there when he realizes that the WTS Paradise earth was nothing but a poorly thought out joke, implemented only so that the book publishing corporation could make converts.

    What a sad waste of precious human life.

  • bigmouth

    "...individual JWs that knew that what they were teaching and advocating was false but continued to do so for personal gain." - blondie.

    This is food for thought for those that know the 'truth about the truth' and continue a teaching/preaching role.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg
    I am reading all the comments & feel very sad for the hatred most of you feel for him. But you must realise that I was one of those that taught false teaching ----didnt you? He was a follower of followers... I believe God gave him the many years he had to search for the truth... But he evidently enjoyed his postion in Bethel, comfort, food, drink, power to go on ....just sucking up the rewards... I am sure he never went door to door, & when your under mind control only around others in the same mind set, you dont have the chance to see what others are doing in the world. ( VERY GOOD THINGS) I also believe the Creator( in my opinion >Jesus) will examine his heart... Who knows what his last thoughts , comments were.... If he is wicked ....I am too!!!!! I made 10 people a follower of a false prophet, some of them broke from their husbands, some died as JWS .... I might have talked to folks about this cult more than he did & how do I know how many listened & became followers after I passed them on to others....If he is guilty, I am also... Sorry for the long post.

    Spoken with the Wisdom that only age, maturity and experience can supply. Thank you Mouthy for that comment. I feel pretty much the same way, but you said it better than I could.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Clam....I now need a new keyboard thanks to your pic of Davros.....LOL


    He gave the dedication talk for the Kingdom Hall I used to attend in northern New Mexico.

  • 144001
    I think that too much "power" is attributed to individual JWs in the WTS. As each one dies and is replaced, things stay pretty much the same. It is an organization that is not lead by any one person or group of persons but a set of ideas that have a life of their own.

    I think that no one really knows what or who controls the WTS. Given the lack of a publicly-disclosed financial audit, we can only speculate as to such matters. For example, it is quite possible that some individual or entity is profitting off the WTS via the existence of a phony vendor account to which payments are made based on phony invoices (and that such individual or entity was put in its position to profit by Rutherford or some other individual). Given the amount of money this organization has received over the years, any such entity or individual would likely be incredibly wealthy as well as powerful, and thereby able to continue its parasitical conduct indefinitely.

    I do agree that the influence of any one governing body member is quite limited, and that the actual power of the governing body is limited as well. It might be "ideas" that drive this organization, as Blondie suggests, or it might very well be something else, such as the possibility explored in this post. Whatever it is, I certainly do not blame any known individual for the grief I have endured as a result of my exposure to this organization. My parents were more to blame for allowing themselves to become mentally enslaved by the WTS, and I have forgiven them as well. LIfe is too short to waste on being angry. Eat, drink, and be merry, folks . . .

  • TopHat

    I am not angry at the WTS for myself as they really didn't influence me as much as I read how some here were hurt, however, I am angry at the policies they forced on others in countries where freedom is not what it is here in the USA where they, the GB are safe and have their headquarters. Malawi comes to mind and I get disgusted at the thought and my eyes fill with tears.

  • dawg

    Mouthy, You're one of my favorites, but I disagree with you this time. These people are like GW Bush and many others that discredit truth and try to make themselves among the Alpha males when they should be the last to lead... in their minds they can't be wrong especally if they they won't listen to anyone else, won't educate themselves, call others names if they disagree with them-belittle eveyrone else that has knowledge of the subject and lastly deny access to valueable data that proves them wrong. They try to place themselves in the position of God but the sad thing is they're nothing but men and usually (like GW Bush), they're the last ones that should be in a leadership position (see Machavelli) They're corrupt because the absolute power they have corrupts absolutely. No hell no, I don't feel sorry for that bastard; to be in the position he was in he had to think himself special when the only way he was special was that he was especially stupid. Sad that those whom follow this foolish faith can't even question one of the GB without being called names (apostate); and have their lives ruined by this baboon and those like him without being able to engage in mental dialoge with this moron which I believe would prove conclusively that the leaders of this "religon" are nothing more than lunatics. But their followers will never know that, becsause these men think they can't be questioned, that "God's spirit" is directing them... I ask one damn thing to anyone reading this rant, is they're anything more haughty than a claim of this magnitude?

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