GOVERNING BODY member Carey Barber dies.

by yesidid 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    If he was my dad, I'd cry for him twice . . . once for his life, and once for his death.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg
    If he was my dad, I'd cry for him twice . . . once for his life, and the once for his death

    Well said, Garybuss

  • mouthy

    Mouthy, You're one of my favorites, but I disagree with you this time.
    dawg!!! I am glad I am one of your favorites ...& it is fine to disagree I think to agree to disagree is healthy.... But I dont listen to Budda either ( your e-mail) I am not for ANY religion ((((HUG))

  • uninformed

    Garybuss and Mouthy,

    You two are favorites of a lot of us. I think your posts on Barber are pretty much the way I feel.

    Too much hatred and rancor are not good for any of us. I too ruined my share of lives and families by helping people come into the organization.

    Too bad Barber never did see the truth, and he should have, as Franz was right there with him blazing the trail for all these guys.

    All of us should allow Jesus Christ to do his job, that of judging and healing mankind.

    I have in the past written some pretty angry and hateful posts, especially toward Jaracz and some of the other GB. But I will forgive myself and hope that Jesus does too.

    One thing I will say though, it does seem that as high as these guys are, if they don't see the falseness of what they are up to their necks in, it is likely they will receive heavier judgment. (James 3:1)


  • OnTheWayOut

    I have no hope that even if all the GB members dropped dead today that much would change in the WTS.

    If they all died at once, I have high hopes that the ungroomed replacements will see that something is wrong.
    Seeing something is wrong, they would make some serious changes. If they were powerless to the lawyers,
    they would talk about what was wrong. As long as the remainder of the GB have time to groom their replacements,
    they will continue to get them to see how the status quo must be maintained "for the good of the publishers" and
    will cause them to accept that changes are only "as necessary."

    I have to agree with DAWG here.

    They try to place themselves in the position of God but the sad thing is they're nothing but men
    They're corrupt because the absolute power they have corrupts absolutely. .......
    Sad that those whom follow this foolish faith can't even question one of the GB without being called names (apostate);
    and have their lives ruined

    I imagine that every one of these guys has read Ray Franz's books. They know the difference between the realities
    of the Bible and the Fred Franz version. They know the foolishness of the 2/3rds vote to decide what God's Spirit is
    telling mankind. They know the bottom line is the selling of literature and profits. Instead of deciding to use the
    resources of the WTS in a big effort to truly benefit mankind, they vote to perpetuate the status quo. If one person
    cannot make a difference, he still doesn't have to participate in what he knows is wrong.

    On the other hand, I used to think that an upright citizen who refused the WT and Awake from me was ignoring the lead
    of God's spirit giving him possibly his last chance at everlasting life. We were JW's so we can relate. What if God were
    using the magazine, THE PLAIN TRUTH (I know he's not)? We've rejected that magazine, decided it wasn't worth our
    time. Does that make us all worthy of destruction?

    My point is that, if I could be so blinded, it's possible that these guys can be even more blinded. Still, if things don't add
    up, they are the ones that say they are our guides. It's their responsibility to look into things. They shouldn't just be
    voting on things from their personal understanding. They need to do what the rank and file believe they are doing- examining
    what others think of the Bible, compare the apochryphal scriptures, reading up on science and archeology. It might help
    them to see that things are wrong. If they really examined the 607 BCE evidence given to them, they could wake up. If they
    decided for themselves if "YHWH" was ever in the New Testament, they would know it wasn't, instead of taking previous
    "anointed" ones' word for it.

    Yes, they may very well be just as captive to the wrong concepts as the rest of them are, but they are accountable to doing
    something about it.

    And, yes- I feel much better for posting this. I pity the man for not living up to his responsibilities. If God is anything like the
    WTS says he is, a man like him will have alot to answer for.

  • mouthy

    allow Jesus Christ to do his job, that of judging and healing mankind

    That is how I feel...

  • OnTheWayOut

    allow Jesus Christ to do his job, that of judging and healing mankind

    That is how I feel. ..

    Sorry to rant on, Mouthy. I actually enjoy your posts and wholeheartedly agree with this one.
    I don't suggest hate for a dead GB member from us, but a little bitterness in some is understandable.

    If the GB would only let Jesus do the judging, all would be well. If someone wants to stop believing that
    a dozen men in Brooklyn (currently 9) are contacted by C.T. Russell or J.F. Rutherford or the angels or
    Jehovah himself (even they don't say how it's done), and that person wants to live his life apart from the
    teachings of those men and their predecessors, let Jesus judge him. Let his own family decide how
    much they want to associate with him. Let his own friends decide whether they should play golf or go
    fishing with him anymore. If he wants to go to his mother's funeral and be comforted by his family, why
    should those men in Brooklyn tell his family that's wrong?

    Worse yet, the men in Brooklyn don't even have the time for him, so they let 3 men in his congregation
    decide that family and friends should hate him, that he doesn't deserve everlasting life, that he should be
    physically dead but we'll settle for spiritually dead.

    I let everyone off the hook, right on up to the Governing Body, but the buck stops there. Ray Franz did
    an honorable thing, it just took awhile. I can't complain because it took me awhile to stop serving false
    prophets, too.

    Didn't you all used to have the typical conversation with your dubby friends; "The pope must know that
    he's not teaching the truth, I imagine most bishops, cardinals, priests, and rabbis know it also." Well,
    on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, I imagine some know it, and the rest should be so busy
    learning it. They get to sit in the ivory tower, skipping their turn at washing dishes and scrubbing toilets
    while their free labor force spoon fed ones like Mr. Barber and sent his younger cohorts around the world.
    Their job is to "know the truth." If a slow learner like me can figure it out in under two decades, the guys
    with all the access and all the responsibility can figure it out before they die in their 90's. Isn't that why they
    needed their UN library cards?

  • bebu
    It is an organization that is not lead by any one person or group of persons but a set of ideas that have a life of their own.

    Well, then, if there isn't any real leadership here, then what will it take to bring down a machine?

    When liability is an issue, everyone hides (eg, NWT, names of GB, articles in the WT). I think desertion will happen when a lawsuit involving names of individuals at the top finally happens.

    If the WTS starts to lose ground now (dwindling growth and income), desertion will be even easier.

    GaryB, that was a sobering post.


  • mouthy

    Sorry to rant on, Mouthy

  • mouthy

    The demons againIt got away from
    Why dont you all do as we did for years .Rent a bus ! & with the signs you want to tell them .PICKET Brooklyn Bethel. I did it for years... Got the videos to prove it....Show em we have a FREEDom to say what we want. _

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