Gay/Lesbian Symbols

by Crumpet 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    The whole rainbow thread piqued my curiosity. I have often wondered how you know without speaking to someone if they are gay and you are not in a known gay place - like um Brighton or the Candy Bar in London.

    Does anyone know of any other gay and lesbian symbols or signs?

    Someone told me once that a ring on your pinkie was a sign - can anyone verify the truth of this?

    Are there symbols that are just for gay men exclusive of gay women and vice versa?

  • Junction-Guy

    Other than the rainbow, I dont know. I used to think those claddagh rings worn on the right hand were a gay symbol, but I dont think they are. What does it mean when a wedding band is worn on the right hand instead of the left? Is that a gay thing?

  • Tuesday

    I always heard about having just your right ear pierced as a guy meant you were gay.

  • BFD

    Some symbols that I know of are

    an equal sign, bears, pink triangles. I don't know of the pinky ring thing. When I was much younger if your right ear was pierced it was suppossed to mean gay.

    As far as being able to spot other gay people well, it's gaydar. Very hard to explain but it's sort of a feeling that I get when I make eye contact with someone.


  • Clam

    I once heard about gay guys having a handkerchief sticking out their rear trouserpants denims pocket to show they were both gay and available, but I think that may have been a west coast thing. I once went to the Fridge in Brixton with some friends (hetero couples) without realising it was gay night. I was asked loads of times if I was gay, even with a girlfriend sitting on my lap!

    Maybe it was because I was a hunk , but I certainly didn't have a bushy moustache, a leather bikers cap, a sleeveless tee shirt or anything like that, LOL..

    Butch Clam

  • Crumpet

    I thought the ear piercing thing was a sign too but now lots of men have pierced ears so I don't think it means the same.

    And Clam - yes I heard of the handkerchief thing but I think that may have changed its meaning too and now represent gangs or something. How confusing!

    BFD - I think its a lot easier to use gaydar on men then women. I mean most of the time its quite easy to guess which men are gay but women? That is a lot harder! Of the women who have come on to me I would only have guessed one was that way inclined. The rest had to spell it out quite literally!

    Also what is it about me that makes other women think I might be gay or bisexual when I have never hinted at it?

    Could it be my comfortable shoes? ;-)

  • ex-nj-jw
    What does it mean when a wedding band is worn on the right hand instead of the left? Is that a gay thing?

    Means you married the wrong person at the wrong time, therefore ring on the wrong finger!!!


  • Junction-Guy

    Wow NJ, I never knew that. I just assumed it was a gay thing, because it was on the opposite hand.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Was being sarcastic J-Guy, not sure what it means if it means anything

  • tijkmo

    if you meet a guy with a dress on then there is a good liklihood he is gay

    or bi

    or going to watch cricket

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