Gay/Lesbian Symbols

by Crumpet 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    No, I don't know of any real symbols besides the rainbow. The right earring seems a bit irrelevant now. Although all the gay women I've met have short hair.... I think that's just a coincidence.

    I'm looking forward to the time when it's not so much that it doesn't matter whether a person is gay, it matters so little that it's actually nobody's business. Not feeling compelled to come out to everybody you meet would be liberating.

  • Snoozy

    Well in my day..wearing a wedding ring on the right hand meant you were a widow or widower.

    Men that wore a earring in each ear were gay. One just meant you were sexual...

    Finger symbols have really changed though..used to be if someone gave you the middle finger.(f--k you )you punched their lights out!

    Same for the two outside fingers..pointer and it means something totally different. It basically meant bull-sh-- way back when.

    And of course we would definately be punished if caught doing it!!!

    Today..I guess I sterotype gays..they seem to talk in a feminine feminine gestures..

    Gay gals I see on TV usually are the "Butch" type. They look like truckers..

    I'm sure there are some that look more like men and women but it seems like the feminine men and butch women are the ones that appear on TV the most...and holding hands in public...


  • writerpen

    It's been so long since I've posted; I wasn't sure if my password would still work. I'm a lesbian who left the Witnesses five years ago. My relationship with my partner is NOT about sex. I could never be attracted emotionally to a man, and I have found the perfect woman to be my life partner. While we enjoy each other sexually, we rely on each other for support through the pains, joys, and any other thing life throws our way - that's what our love is about.

    Since our commitment ceremony last October, we wear rings like any other married couple (on the left hand).

    Jaguarbass, while I appreciate the explanation of your comments, the words did hurt.

    Finally, the equal sign (yellow on a blue background), referred to in an earlier post, is actually the Human Rights Campaign's symbol. That organization works for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people.

  • Crumpet

    Hey writerpen - Welcome back and thank you for posting. Congratulations albeit late on your wedding. I am glad you said what you did. I did think some of the comments were intentionally hurtful and denigrating of homosexual and lesbian relationships as being all about sex and absolutely nothing else. If we said that about heterosexual partnerships most couples would be extremely annoyed. Sex is not the only gel.

    Snoozy! You clearly haven't watched the L Word - catch it if you can. 90% of the girls are not butch at all!

    Another reason for me asking is that a beautiful Romanian woman a few years my senior, long dark hair, stunning figure seems to pay particular attention to me. I'm a bit of a wall flower at work - I don't dress up or wear make up, I try to camaflouge into the background mostly. Anyway I was wondering if she was just a very touchy feely woman or could in fact be a lesbian. She is literally like a model - really stunning, but I never see her with any men when out etc or hear of anyone linked with her. She's way out of my league anyway so I would say no in any case. But I am curious.

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