PISTOFF- I think the rank & file JW's believe the WT Society's " own press " as you stated or their alibi's or excuses- but I do NOT believe that WT leaders believe their own press statements. They make these press statements of " we abhor child abuse " - or - " we do everything we can to educate our members to protect their children " - these statements are just defense mechanisms to justify or sidestep answering REAL questions like - " Why does the WT Society not report child abuse to the police ? " Or " Why does the WT Society keep appointing former child molesters as elders or ministerial servants ? " WT leaders totally avoid answering those questions and put out stupid damage control $hit answers like I mentioned. WT leaders know full well what they're doing. They are trying to protect their financial nest egg- period .
FREEMINDFADE & PISTOFF- Isn't it amazing how JW's like your brothers can just bury their heads in the sand like ostriches about this WT child abuse scene ? The power of cult mind control is alive and well within the WT Society.
FINKELSTEIN- Exactly what you say is true. To a JW it's the worst offense of all to even question the GB or WT Society leaders way of doing things. When I mentioned to a former good friend of mine back in 2009 who is still an elder that one of the reasons I stopped attending meetings was the WT child abuse policies are bad- he told me, " It really worries me that you think the WT leaders and GB aren't handling the child abuse situation correctly ! It scares me that you doubt their wisdom. " That is how gullible these JW's are, it's incredible !
VIDIOT- You make very interesting points. It could very well be that the only " pool " of " brothers " to serve as elders IS limited to former child molesters now. LOL. Although it's not funny, pretty pathetic. Anybody with any sense of sanity wouldn't want to serve these days as an elder for sure.
STILL TOTALLY ADD- Good points. Indeed WT Society wants to protect it's organization at all cost. It's the WT financial interests and well being they are after. WT leaders don't care about God or children- just their financial future. Pretty sick