According to Oct.1st 2012 WT Directions- Past Child Molesters CAN Be Appointed Elders

by flipper 86 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot

    flipper - "...the GB would rather pay out millions $$$ than have to testify on the witness stand at child abuse court trials handing over documents incriminating them..."

    This one had me scratching my head for the longest time...


    ...until I finally came to the realization that the GB and their lawyers must have concluded that the potential monetary and PR cost from simply losing the cases was preferable to the potential cost (particularly within the Org) that would result from full-on investigation and public exposure of it all (regardless of whether they won in court or not)...


    ...which led me to the inescapable question, "Jeezus, just how bad is it???"


    Christ's brothers would rather pay out of court settlements and fines, than to have their Pedo database revealed....


  • flipper

    VIDIOT- Exactly, you are spot on hitting the nail on the head. The " public exposure of it all " as you stated would probably incriminate MANY higher ups within the WT organization and then if THAT became exposed - it could lead to a federal investigation by the U.S. government. Especially if by chance higher ups would possibly be involved in a larger pedophile ring involving organized crime. Think about that for a minute. It would blow the top off of the WT Society . We'd be looking at the " end game " for WT officials. Thus - you are right- IF this is the possible scenario ( and I'm not saying it is ) but IF it's possible - then WT officials would rather settle many child abuse lawsuits than reveal what's in their secret database file. God only knows WHAT are in those files. It's not pretty- I guarantee you that.

    DATA-DOG- Exactly. WT leaders don't want courts OR the federal government snooping around inside their secret files in the database. I think it would be a good thing to get the feds involved. It might hasten the demise of the criminal organization called WT Society

  • Gone and forgotten
    Gone and forgotten

    My understanding is that a brother must be have a good reputation inside and outside the if a man is a convicted of a sex crime, he has to be registered for the rest of his life (in the U.S.) so how could someone like that be appointed? It is very easy to search those databases and they are easily publicly available....

    I remember when the Catholic church was in the news for this same issue and how reviled they were. I remember at least one talk concerning it. Not sure, but I think there were some Awake articles as well. Such hypocrisy.

  • flipper
    GONE AND FORGOTTEN- You make a very good point. How could a man be appointed as an elder if he doesn't have a good reputation inside or outside the congregation - as the WT Society CLAIMS to follow the Bible in making appointments ? You are right those records are available for all to see. Problem is - is that elders or the GB don't bother to look at the records because they just don't care. They set their OWN standards for who gets appointed elder and who does not. I would venture to say that child molesters stand a better chance getting appointed elders these days than apostates or even still-in JW's who are independent thinkers who have doubts. As you say it's hypocritical of the WT Society to point fingers at the Catholic church then do even worse things themselves. WT is a criminal organization
  • Vidiot

    flipper - "Problem is - is that elders or the GB don't bother to look at the records because they just don't care. They set their OWN standards for who gets appointed elder and who does not."

    Don't forget the inherent and institutionalized suspicion and disdain for anything "Satan's World" might have to say (it's practically knee-jerk at this point), particularly anything even remotely negative and WT-related.

    I've lost count of the number of stories we've read here where the congregations just flat-out refuse to believe it, even in the face of criminal conviction.

  • flipper
    VIDIOT- Very true. Anything that's in " Satan's " world that comes up negative towards the WT Society is perceived to be unbelievable by JW's. We could present them with TONS of facts- and they'll still claim it's not true. WT indoctrination at it's worst
  • flipper
    Considering the ABC news report is on tonight regarding Candace Conti- wanted to bump this thread up as I've noticed several of us from the board have already made comments on the ABC news link concerning the seriousness of child abuse. It's an important topic to keep bringing up to JW's and non-JW's so they can see the extent of damage that WT Society's criminal liability is causing. Bring it on
  • flipper
    Since some newer members may have been elders in the past- then I'm sure they may - or may not- be aware of this October 1st, 2012 confidential direction by the WT Society to the elders ( no rank & file JW's know about this letter ) to give elders the O.K. to appoint pedophiles and past child molesters to positions of elder or ministerial servant if enough time goes by. So if any newbies may wonder why we have anger towards the WT Society or feel we need to expose the unjust WT Society actions- READ this thread and this letter from WT to elders in 2012- and you might start understanding our position. Peace and love to all, Mr. Flipper
  • 4thgen
    Hi Flipper,

    In the late 1970’s there was an elder in our hall that was removed for having sex with a minor within our congregation. He was disfellowshipped and the girl disappeared. (Moved to a different area) Through the years, the brother became reinstated and worked hard to regain his reputation. He was told that he would never serve in the capacity of an elder again.

    I saw the brother a few months ago and he said that he had good news to tell me. He said that they were considering him for a position within the congregation. I asked him how that could be the case. He said that the new CO said that since the incident happened years ago and he evidently has displayed Jehovah’s spirit, that it was possible within the next few months he can be appointed a MS and shortly afterwards an elder. He was so excited at the prospect. I care for the person, however I was devastated at the news.

    My ex was also an elder and was removed and publically reproved for domestic battery. He has been working towards reappointment himself. Although he has not been reappointed, he works behind the literature counter and has various responsibilities within the congregation. He is hoping to gain a helping hand to into a position of authority again.

    I shudder at the thought of any of this happening, but it is understandable from the viewpoint that there are very few men reaching out for oversight. THE WT is in a bind and need qualified men. HOWEVER, although it is understandable, it is unacceptable that these people could regain positions of oversight. Can you imagine if either of these men was reappointed and were assigned to a committee dealing with abuse? The victim would not stand a chance given their background and attitudes. God, I'm so glad I'm out!

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