
by BR25 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BR25

    It would be alot easier if they had symbols on here for everyone below their names. I dont know if they do or not.

    I try to back the jws, but I dont know if I am talking to athiests, other christians, disfellowshiped ones, or people who just left the truth. It would be nice to know sometimes.

    You might ask why I would wanna know because I should answer everyone the same way, but on here you cant. For example alot of topics that focus on the rules, I assume that most of the ones posting are disfellowshiped, but I dont know that for a fact. It would be easier for me to understand where everyones beliefs are stemming from.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just keep reading and remember. That sounds hard, but eventually you will remember which of us
    thinks what.

  • Crumpet
    It would be easier for me to understand where everyones beliefs are stemming from.

    Hi there!

    I think thats just being a wee bit lazy. You are supposed to read what people say to work out their affiliations. In real life people dont have symbols necessarily. If you passed me in the street wearing a cross around my neck maybe you would think I was Christian but the symbol would be misleading as I am atheist.

    Part of the fun is getting to know people and anyway what symbol could you have for the many many here (and I suspect the majority) who are in fact agnostic and have no firm belief either way.

    Kind regards


  • Junction-Guy

    The majority of people on this board are XJW's, however we do have a few JW's every now and then, and alot of apologists too.

    For the record, Im anti-watchtower, born and raised JW, but never baptized. Technically Im not an Apostate, but you wouldnt know it by reading my posts.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    So nice and easy to put a label on folks, no?

    But that is not the real world.

    In the real world, each person's beliefs stem from their own knowledge, research, analytical ability, etc.

    The exception, of course, are those in a high-control brainwashing cult such as JWs.

    Think outside the box.


  • BR25

    sometimes i can decipher who is what, but then other times I dont know because of sarcasm or just how much the post doesnt make sense. I dont think it is lazy though, I mean it is like me against the whole web site on here. I need all the helpful insight I can get

  • Quentin
    I need all the helpful insight I can get

    That's not want to cheery pick who to dialouge with...geez, jump on in you aint gonna drown...

  • bebu

    Hi BR25! A late welcome to the board!

    When I joined there weren't as many folks posting as now, so basic details about people who posted the most were easier to remember. We have newbies posting everyday now, I think.

    There is a profile link under each user name, and some people use that to explain themselves a bit. Have you tried using that yet?

    Sarcasm is sometimes hard to discern in posts of folks whom you don't know yet. In that case, you might want to note that point in your reply.

    One thing that helped me a lot was to spend a great deal of time reading before I began replying. Then, I had a better feel for the community and also had time to read and research the topics/issues, too. I hope it helps my posts. If you are being authentic about how you see things, are respectful in presenting your thoughts, and show integrity in defending your opinions (as well as integrity to admit whenever you might be wrong!), then you should be able to handle even the ones who might (occasionally rudely) disagree with you.

    BTW, I have never been a JW, and I am (as jgnat regularly calls herself) a "garden-variety Christian".


  • ex-nj-jw

    I am anti-JW all the way - was raised in it and left it just as soon as I could!!!! Always hated it from a very early age and I hate the trauma it left behind from my childhood. Still have family in, but never really had JW friends so I don't feel I'm missing anything!!

    You want signs? As Crumpet said if you saw me walking down the street you wouldn't know if I was JW, Baptist, Agnostic, Moslim (unless I wore the veil) or any other religion, sect, or cult!

    You should get to know people for who they are, contrary to JW belief, JW's are not the only nice people on this earth.


  • abbagail

    Hey BR25, I don't have a problem making it "easier" for ya, if it will make you feel better (even though, it's true, almost everybody has a profile description link under their ID's). The only "symbol" options available is the flag, and either Male/Female, so if it's working, mine should be the Pink female thang with a USA flag.

    As for "religious status":

    Never an atheist/agnostic
    Former Catholic (childhood/teens)
    Former JW (late-20s/late-30s)
    Now Finally a "real" Jesus-Loving-Christian (late-40s and Forever!)

    The only problem now is you still gotta remember it all. ;-)

    Hang in there!


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