My wife likes to jog so I got her an Ipod to jog with and hand wrote a birthday card. It was the best she ever had, according to her.
EMERGENCY! Need some ideas
by Satans little helper 36 Replies latest jw friends
my mother wore White Shoulders and I still think that is a really lovely perfume. But, for your wife, how about paying someone $50.00 to do something your wife doesn't like to do, like clean the house, maybe, or iron a week's worth of clothing, or something like that?
my wife love it me 2 hehehe
Over the past 20 years I have tried everything. Now I buy lingerie.
It's the gift that keeps on giving , and getting
"Over the past 20 years I have tried everything. Now I buy lingerie."
An excellent idea, but... you REALLY have to know her size. And I mean none of this 'small', 'medium' or 'large' stuff. We're talking chest, waist and hips.
If you get a nice gown that's too small... you're in trouble.
If you get a nice gown that's too large... you're in trouble.
Great suggestion... just need to know the right sizes.
Jim TX -
horrible life
Fantasy Midnight Perfume by Britney Spears for Women My daughter held a magazine sniff paper for me to smell. I thought it was the best perfume I had
ever smelled. I looked to see that it was Britney Spears, I snarled at the thought of wearing Britney anything, and went to buy it that very day.
Satans little helper
I love buying my lady lingerie but have given up after having several attempts meet with the same thing - it makes her feel chunky. We've both put on a few pounds since we moved to Australia and it's really hit her self esteem even though she looks great. We've been trying for a baby and have been going through fertility treatment which has made her so tired she finds it difficult to exercise much.
The facial/massage idea is a great one, I bought her a new necklace/earing set last night which she opened this morning and like, I also got her a couple of books including the new CSIRO diet book (nothing like killing two birds with one stone huh?) which she liked.
I would buy her perfume but to be honest neither of us wear anything with a strong scent since we moved here, we find that it attracts flies!
Bring her with you to shop. That way, it's a win win. She gets what she likes, you get what you like, and you get bonus points for being a man that isn't afraid to be seen in a lingerie store with your wife.
Satans little helper
tried it, she hates it. She's curvy so it's difficult to find a store that stocks lingerie in a size and cut that does the job properly.
Believe me, I have tried so damn hard you would not believe.