The Laziest Watchtower Publication of All

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Now, you might wonder about sheer laziness in Watchtower leadership - given that the Bookstudy

    got stuck with the Climax book. Or you might wonder about cut n' paste articles in the Watchtower

    Or you might even wonder about re-run dramas at the assemblies.

    Ah, but for sheer laziness you can't beat The Kingdom Ministry - for either encouraging or manifesting

    utter indolence. How so?

    Originally, when brothers had meeting parts, they had to develop their own questions - until the

    Society printed the questions for them. At one time, all congregations had Written Reviews

    that were actually turned in for grading!! Then they were self graded... and then they became an

    Oral Review , printed in the KM.

    At one time, you had to come up with your own presentation for the magazines but no more!

    Now, word for word presentations are provided for each issue of the KM.

    The funniest ( and latest) development is that, since the Service Dept hacks have so little to say,

    they change FONT SIZES to fill the whole page! When I opened up the May 07 KM, I thought

    I was reading LARGE PRINT. I just imagine some naive Witless zombie praising this as "jehovah's

    provision for us with poor eyesight '! The whole KM shifts font size throughout to fill whatever page or

    block is required.

    I think they must be running out of stuff to say.


  • mrchuffster

    "I think they must be running out of stuff to say"

    LOL, they ran out of stuff to say in 1950

    Mr C

  • crazyblondeb

    I'm surprised the KM isn't just one page!!

  • PEC

    How many ways are there to say the world is ending? Time to regurgitate some more 1880s BS



  • minimus

    Met, the real reason the print is so large is because the "brotherhood" pretty much consists of old people. Most old people have a hard time seeing.

  • willyloman

    This perfectly sets the stage for the future date when they fold the KM into the new dubs-only edition of the Watchtower magazine and call it "simplification."

  • Scully
    This perfectly sets the stage for the future date when they fold the KM into the new dubs-only edition of the Watchtower magazine and call it "simplification."

    My thoughts exactly.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I thought it was for more control of what people could say (very fitting for a cult), no creativity any more (no live music), more time for other stuff the elders have to tell us (no more time spent on self correction of written review).

  • trevor
    the Climax book

    Sounds interesting and pictures too!

  • greendawn

    After Fred Franz the "oracle" of the WTS went out of action, inspiration and visions have dried up the spiritual springs of the org basically became useless. So much for the only channel of God on earth those shamelessly self promoting ten or so clowns.


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