Doctrinal stuff:
5: Homosexuality still being "sinful" if the person was committed to being abstinent. If you follow that logic, then all the single pioneers who are waiting for the New System™ to find a marriage mate are fornicators.
4: How the WTS made it wrong for couples to use donor sperm and surrogate mothers to have children, or to donate their sperm/eggs or become a surrogate so that someone else could have children - I never got a satisfactory answer to why it was OK, then, for Jehovah to impregnate someone else's betrothed wife-to-be so that he could have Jesus be born a human.
3: The Preaching Work™ being mandatory for having a good standing, when the bible was very clear that there were more "gifts in men" than "evangelizing".
2: How the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would-would not-would-would not-would-would not-would-would not receive a resurrection.
1: How people were selected to lead the congregation based on whether or not they had a penis, not on their merits or intelligence.