Was There Something That Ever Bothered U About The "Truth" While U Were In?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Doctrinal stuff:

    5: Homosexuality still being "sinful" if the person was committed to being abstinent. If you follow that logic, then all the single pioneers who are waiting for the New System™ to find a marriage mate are fornicators.

    4: How the WTS made it wrong for couples to use donor sperm and surrogate mothers to have children, or to donate their sperm/eggs or become a surrogate so that someone else could have children - I never got a satisfactory answer to why it was OK, then, for Jehovah to impregnate someone else's betrothed wife-to-be so that he could have Jesus be born a human.

    3: The Preaching Work™ being mandatory for having a good standing, when the bible was very clear that there were more "gifts in men" than "evangelizing".

    2: How the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would-would not-would-would not-would-would not-would-would not receive a resurrection.

    1: How people were selected to lead the congregation based on whether or not they had a penis, not on their merits or intelligence.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I didn't quite understand the first one you mentioned on homosexuality but the one about the elders being selected was good as well as all of the others. Elders chosen by holy spirit? Hahahaha!!! Never bought into that one, either, because of the anointed being "chosen" by HS. Why do elders have paper work to do and send it to Bethel to recommend a brother for an elder when the anointed do not? Both are supposed to be appointed by HS. Not consistent. Oh, there are too many to count:)

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I went to a world renowned university that has great expertise in Geology/Earthquakes (center of excellence) - and I knew that earthquakes had NOT increased since 1914 - then came that famous AWAKE on earthquakes thank God

  • Nowman

    Yes, my parents acting one way in the congragation, then we would go home and all hell would break loose.

    Nikki (a former elder and pioneer mother's daughter)


    Where do I start????? Some things have already been mentioned, but as a woman there were so many things that had to be kept bottled up. I didn't feel that was healthy and really resented it. I could interact with men all day long in the corporate world, then go to the hall and couldn't even voice an opinion! What was with the elders decorating the Hall and women not even being allowed input???????????

    I could write a book....


  • greendawn

    There was no real love between the members of all the congos I knew of it was a very artificial sort of environment everything was focusing on the preaching work but what was the point of bringing in mor epeople into an unloving environment? Also writing down hours of fs, a religious activity, was a very strange and unpleasant thing to do.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It bothered me that we were taught to feed our enemies, pray for them, do good to them and yet Jehovah was going to slaughter them en masse. We often asked if a parent would torture their child for eternity for a small mistake, Of course not. And yet if He is so loving, why would God do so? Then we are told that people can't help but sin and that Jehovah will rot the eyes out of their sockets and crush their heads with hail and fire and such.

    Laud our God, Laud Jehovah God...

    What a load.


  • Gerard
    Finding out from an insurance underwriter that there should have only been 3,000 left in 1985, not around 10,000

    How many do you think are left now?


  • minimus

    That we were really an "Old Testament" religion.

  • nvrgnbk

    My list is long. Just one for now:

    Field Service Reports


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